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"You are Chaos Diathyst?" A subordinate asked. He was armed with heavy, bulky gear. An inkling of a tattoo could be seen, peeking out of the sleeve around his wrist. I assumed it was their pack's mark, information that I was aware of at the time.

I didn't answer right away, and breathed in their presence. It was, indeed, the Roya Pack. I doubted Azrail would've let them in the building if he knew otherwise.
"I am", I answered.

The crowd of bodyguards separated, unveiling a well-dressed Alpha, his head and beard dry brushed with grey. He held a dignified and aged power in his aura and his scent was like burning wood and figs. As Kalen had mentioned, this soot-like scent was native to Canadian Tribes.

He carried himself like a mafia don with slightly tanned skin and a dangerous stride about him as he sat down on the couch opposite my own.

"I am Alpha Redstone, of the Roya pack, you requested to meet with us, Miss Diathyst?" He looked disinterested with whatever I was going to say and whomever I was.

"I'm heading an investigation bothering both Vampire and Werewolf community in regards to an uprise in curséd and rogues alike", I explained. My lust had lessened a bit at this point, but my eyes were still slitted and red. "However, the victims appear to have an unusual mutation, making them inexplicably aggressive and hostile toward anyone and anything."

"Are you saying that the renowned Diathyst family needs help with this 'investigation'? Surely your Family is the most powerful and terrifying of the Northern supernatural hemisphere", Redstone mindlessly joked. He knew where I was going with this. Why would a vampire conduct a meeting with a wolf about an investigation, unless the host didn't already suspect them? The smell  radiating from Howard's wound was remarkably similar to the pack's. It was faint but still prevalent in Elijah's wound as well, there was no mistaking there was some correlation to the wolf packs of the Canada Region.

"Of course not. I have called you here to ask about your deceased son", I stared bluntly. The pack members remained eerily still, but I could feel a feint difference in the atmosphere, as if I was treading dangerous waters.

"The only worthy opponent to the Diathyst's infamous power, would be your pack. However, your son met such an untimely death before succeeding your position, despite speculations that he'd inherited the elemental prowess of the Flaming Wolf."

The flaming wolf was merely folk-lore passed on to wolf generations to empower the pups and respect the ancestors. There were elemental wolves that built the foundation of the wolf pack and the union between humans and wolves, creating the werewolf. All of this was science fiction or fantasy to me, and i quickly lost interest whilst in the laboratory. I recently redeveloped my interest upon hearing what Lucille had to say about the fiery wolf finding. This rumour brought me here, because the Flaming Wolf has deeper origins in Canada but even stronger roots in the Western wolf packs.

"You're right, he died a coward's death despite his blessings", the Alpha responded with forced smug. The pack looked uneasy with this topic.

"You're lying, Alpha, your heart is not as emotionally sound as your head." Indeed his heart skipped and he shifted ever so slightly following his fib. I decided to test his patience a little more...

"If you all listen carefully, I'll teach you how to hold your composure better..." I tuned my hearing closely to their unsteady pulses. Their faces held no signs of distress, but I could feel the anxiety pumping through their veins. Truthfully, the best way to manage your pulse, is to die.

"Your son... did he really have the Flame Wolf's might?"
no, Redstone said silently.
"You wanted him to though. Your son was troublesome and weak, you needed a successor", I continued. This was motive to send him to someone or somewhere that would 'fix' him. Make him a true flaming wolf. "You sent your youngest to someone who would repurpose him- make him better, didn't you?"

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