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"Missy Cissy wants you to know there has been an attack at the manor."

Amelia paled. But were her family alive?

Amelia turned to Severus. She looked to him. "I-I have to go," she said as she walked over to the floo.

Severus grabbed her. He shook his head. "I have just rescued you from there. To go back now would be suicide," he told her.

"But my mother! She could be dying," Amelia said. She tried fighting against him. "Severus. Get off me!"

"Think of Ivy! Do you really think she wants to grow up without her mother? For once, don't be selfish!"

Amelia looked to him in shock. "Selfish? How dare you! Everything I have done has for my child! I have not been with her for almost a year! Do you know how hard that is? Seeing her being taken from me the morning after she had been born. And seeing her for all of five minutes here and there! Do not stand there and call me selfish when you never wanted her to begin with!"

"I did want her! I just didn't want to put her life in danger! Do you not think that I do not love that little girl? My little girl," Severus spat.

Amelia shook her head. "Put her life in danger? That's why you took her from the burrow where she was as safe as can be. And you had her here. Where the dimwit Carrow's are? It doesn't matter now. Because Bellatrix knows about her. That means he will know about her too."

Severus nodded. "I know. He does know about her. And he wants to meet her. He is angry that she has been kept from him for so long," he told her.

"Where is she? I just want to see her."

"She is with your aunt Andromeda," Severus said.


Amelia arrived outside of her aunts house. She took a deep breath and walked up the path. She knew that because of everything going on, her aunt would be suspicious.

She hesitantly knocked the door. After a few minutes, there was a wand pointed at her face. "What time was Ivy born?"

"8:35pm. 30th June 1997."

Andromeda opened the door and pulled her niece into the house. "You were foolish coming here," she said.

"I-I had to see her. Please."

Andromeda took Amelia into the living room. She saw her daughter sitting on the floor with some toys. "She got so big," she mumbled.

"Yes. She has your personality."

Amelia walked over. She sat on the floor with her daughter. "I don't suppose you remember me. I'm your mummy. I know it doesn't seem it. Because you haven't spent much time with me, but I do love you. And you are the best thing I've ever done in my life. You changed my whole world my little Ivy. Baby, be safe. Be strong. And know that mummy will always love you. No matter what happens," she said as she pulled the little girl onto her lap.

The tears poured down her cheeks as she held her close. "You are precious. As your father calls you, our precious treasure," Amelia mumbled.

A Forbidden Love {Harry Potter}Where stories live. Discover now