32 - The

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"AAAH" Enid shouts as she throws a pillow at Wednesday. Wednesday dodges it and starts throwing many pillows, 1 by 1 at Enid.

After she has nothing more to throw she sees Enid laying on the floor, defeated.

"Looks like you can't top me after all" Wednesday chuckles.

"Who says i'm giving up?" Enid says as she picks all the pillows up, and holds them close to her stomach.

She runs at Wednesday and almost suffocates her with the pillows. "HAJGAHAHAJSGHAHAAJHAHAHAHAHWJAHHHWIAHKWOWJWHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHHWHAHAHAHAHAHAJWHAHAHW" Enid laughs... weirdly.

"Are you... okay?" Wednesday asks her in a annoyed tone. "HAHHERHAHHEHAHEHAJHSHHWJAJEHAJHWHRAJHEJAHRHAHHSHEHAHHAHEHHAHAH" Enid continues laughing, but not for too long as Wednesday throws a pillow at her which leaves her on the ground.

"NOT FAIR I ALREADY WON.." Enid says, with a frown.

"Yeah yeah okay." Wednesday sighs as she shrugs. Enid gets up and goes to sit on Wednesday's bed. "Your werewolf things are still here by the way." Wednesday points out.

"Yeah, i like these ears to be honest" Enid says as she smiles. "Maybe we could go outside, incase you transform." Wednesday suggests, as she grabs her coat. Enid nods and follows her.

As the girls are outside, Enid takes a big breath and looks at the full moon. "You sure you didn't want a coat? It's pretty cold out here.." Wednesday asks Enid.

"It's fine, my fur is warm enough.. i mean if i transform at-least" Enid says with a giggle..

"I think i'm starting to feel something weird about the full moon.. Wends." Enid says uncomfortably.

YOU TREMBLE AT THIS SOUNDSDDDDDDD  *awoo* sike, next chapter soon

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