One Last Time -Jai Brooks

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I don't know what really happened. One minute we were laughing and joking around, and then the next we yelling and arguing and then he was packing a bag and leaving. I was begging him to stay, we could just talk it out, but he was done.

Done with my lies.

I was a liar
I gave into the fire
I know I should've fought it
At least I'm being honest

Why did I lie? It was so stupid and so not needed. Why couldn't I just be honest and then he'd be here. I promised him I wouldn't lie and I did. I lost him because of a small lie.

I failed.

Feel like a failure
Cause I know that I failed you
I should've done you better
Cause you don't want a liar (come on)

I wish I could turn back time and tell him the truth, then maybe he wouldn't be with her. The lump in my throat grew more. We had been together for two years and it took him five months to move on. Was I that horrible?

But even I know I am.

And I know, and I know, and I know
She gives you everything but boy I couldn't give it to you
And I know, and I know, and I know
That you got everything
But I got nothing here without you

And suddenly I'm fading slowly into the background. Even I can tell she's the only person he sees and she probably knows about me and what I did.

And I'm wishing I had one last time with him, to explain everything, to apologize, to just have one last moment. And then maybe I'll be able to let go. To let him go.

So one last time
I need to be the one who takes you home
One more time
I promise after that, I'll let you go
Baby I don't care if you got her in your heart
All I really care is you wake up in my arms
One last time
I need to be the one who takes you home

I just want to hold him one last time. And I see him with her and he looks so happy. Happier then he ever looked. Even with me, but I'm selfish and I know I'll reck everything for him.

I'll beg him for one more chance even though I don't deserve it.

I don't deserve it
I know I don't deserve it
But stay with me a minute
I'll swear I'll make it worth it

But one chance and I'll make it worth it.

Can't you forgive me
At least just temporarily
I know that this is my fault
I should have been more careful (come on)

Can you forgive me at least for tonight? And just lay in my arms. I know she gives you everything that I couldn't but please, just for tonight?

And I know, and I know, and I know
She gives you everything but boy I couldn't give it to you
And I know, and I know, and I know
That you got everything
But I got nothing here without you

And I swear, as silly as it sounds, I'm nothing without you. And I try to fight the dreadful feeling I have when I hear you're engaged to her but I can't.

So one last time
I need to be the one who takes you home
One more time
I promise after that, I'll let you go
Baby I don't care if you got her in your heart
All I really care is you wake up in my arms
One last time
I need to be the one who takes you home

And its the middle of the night when I hear the knock at my door and I hope its you. I hope you got my letter. And I know. I know I'm selfish but I still love you.

I open the door and you're soaking wet from the rain and you ask to come in. Your hair is hanging down and you have a little stubble, your a little tan, all natural. And you have a lot more tattoos running up the length of both arms and I see the moon tattoo you got as a symbol of me and as I look closely I can see the starting pointing of it being turned into a sun. And that stings. Because I know it stands for her.

I know I shouldn't fight it
At least I'm being honest
Just stay with me a minute
I swear I'll make it worth it
Cause I don't want to be without you

You bring the letter up and ask if that's what I really want and yeah it is. I know I'm selfish, you know. But I need you for one night. I need to wake up with you in my arms even if she's the one you love now and you agree to stay the night, to give me tonight and I jump up hugging you. You hug back just not as tightly. And that stings.

So one last time
I need to be the one who takes you home
One more time
I promise after that, I'll let you go
Baby I don't care if you got her in your heart
All I really care is you wake up in my arms

And that I spend explaining everything. Why I lied, how I was protecting you, I just didn't know I'd hurt you. And understanding dawns on you and you feel horrible for not ever letting me speak.

And I ask if this changes anything and you say yes, just not anything to do with her. Because she's now the girl you're meant to be with and you know she's the one. And you love her and that we, us, we are the past and she's your future and I'm not factured in to it. And that stings.

One last time
I need to be the one who takes you home, yeah
One last time
I need to be the one who takes you home

And we fell asleep. I woke up first and my head is on your chest and my arm is around your stomach and your hand is in my hair, my leg over yours. And your in my arms. I reach up and kiss your neck, but you stay still with sleep and I smile cuddling closer and falling asleep.

And I won't know that you woke up in an hour later and played with my hair comteplating what to do. If you should leave her for me or go back to her? But you choose what you think is right, so you slowly get out of bed, making sure not to wake me because you can't take the heartbreak that you'll cause me. And yeah you know its a cowards move but you can't do it. And then you sweep my hair off my shoulder and kiss me there and whisper you love me, then you take my necklace off that you left me, leaving it on the pillow, knowing it'll break me and then you walk to the door and you look back and you know you should inf have because now you see what your walking away from, but you open the door and you walk through it and out of my life forever and you feel a burn around your heart and it doesn't feel natural. But you keep going and you don't look back again.

And when I wake up later your gone, the bed is empty. The pillow cold where you laid, but in your place is the necklace I gave you and the sting turns into a burn. And I know I lost you. And that burn surrounds my heart and it doesn't feel good. I know I need to let you go. God. I know I do. But I can't.
And I sobbing, clutching the pillow to my chest, letting it all out and its so horrendous. And I realize that you sacrificed everything to give me a night, so I could wake up with you in my arms. But it doesn't make me feel better, because it makes me realize how great you are and I know I'll never find better.

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