What he does when you're scared.

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You were terrified of the dark, the only person who knew this was your best friend, (Y/BFF/N). You didn't tell anyone else because you thought they'd make fun of you.

Well tonight it was storming really bad and your boyfriend Zayn was on his way over, just then your lights went out making you scream and hide in a corner, buring your head in your hands crying.

It was so dark, you couldn't even see your hand moving out in front of you. You whimpering so much you didn't realize someone came in through the door.

(Y/N), love. Is that you?" You heard Zayns voice through your flat

You whimpered instead of answering, he soon found you and pulled you into his lap.

"Hey, hey....shhh...shhh, baby I have you. What's wrong?" He asked slightly confused

"I'm terrified of the d-dark," You whispered

"Oh baby girl, why didn't you ever tell me?" He sighed, hugging you closer to him

"I didn't want to be made fun of." You whimpered

"I would never make fun of you. I'm here for you, I love you." He said, kissing your temple

"I love you too," You smiled


You were watching the news, when they news reporter stated that there was going to be a horrible storm, only two people knew about it your boyfriend (B/F/N)  and you best friend Harry.

So you got scared and asked your boyfriend if he would stay with you tonight, he said no that he had plans, then you told him about the storm.

"Just get over your pathetic fear. Its just a stupid storm. God you so clingy and needy." He sneered, walking out the door, slamming it in the process

A few hours later and a storm started just like the news reported stated earlier.

It was thundering and lightning out, you started crying because you were alone, just than you heard a knock at the door, you got up cautiously and walked to the door, as soon as you opened it you were engulfed in someones arms.

"God are you okay? I got as soon as I could." Harrys voice whispered in your ear

He was breathing heavy and he was soaked.

"Did you...?" You trailed off pointing at his body

"Run all the way here to make sure you were alright? Yes." He smirked

"Thank you, " You smiled

Just then he kissed you, you kissed him back, after all you had a crush on him for a while. Everything else would be dealt with later.


Horrified, petrified, terrible afraid of spiders. Your worst fear. It didn't help that yours friend always teased you and tried  pranking you with fake spiders all the time.

Well except this time, you were about to grab your stuff for a shower when you saw your underwear drawer filled with REAL spiders.

You started screaming and jumped on your bed, shaking and freaking out.

Just than your roommate, Liam, ran in the room with a bat.

"What's wrong?!" He asked frantically

"Sp-spiders..." You studdered out

He turned his head to see what you were talking about then his eyes widened. He ran over to your drawer and throw it out your window, he then came over to you, holding you, telling you that you would be fine, that he has you.


You had a fear of having attention on you, so you tried to not get noticed very much.

It was hard though, especially with the fact that your friends knew you liked the most well known boy in school, Louis Tomlinson, so word got around and now a few people have talked about you and to you. You don't like it at all, people are paying attention to you more, and you're even getting threats just for liking him!

You getting your stuff out of your locker when some girl came up to you.

"Listen here slut, stay away from Louis. He's mine." She snarled

By then a few people gathered around and started screaming fight. You started freaking out, not being use to the attention.

All the sudden you heard someone yell"Leave he the fuck alinee."

You looked up to see Louis standing protectively over you.

"C'mon (Y/N), let get you out of here." Louis smiled handing you his hand

He pulled you to him, hugging you" Don't worry, they won't mess with you anymore. I've got you." He whispered in your


You had a fear of being left. Of being alone. All because your dad walked out on you, your best friend Niall knew this.

"Niall, I just don't want to be left, so I'm letting go before you can leave." You sighed

You see he's going away for a bit, and you know eventually he'll leave you so you think.

"I'm not leaving you. Gosh shut up for 5 seconds so I can finish. You're coming with me. I love you too much to leave." Niall smiled giving you the biggest hug ever

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