One Direction imagines.♥

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He's your big brother and hes always there for you, well now its your turn to be there for him.

Zayn: You had just got off of work and were headed to see your brother Zayn. You were worried because he'd been acting different since the hate has gotten worse.

He always tells you he is fine, but you can see right through him. But you never push him, because you can tell he is close to breaking.

"Zayn? Its (Y/N)! Where are you?" You yelled through his flat

He didn't answer, so you got a little worried. You called his phone and heard down the hall you're standing in. You follow the sound to Zayns room.

There on the bed is your big brother in tears, not taking in his surroundings. The sight alone is breaking your heart.

"Oh Zayn." You sigh as you walk over to him.

"Scoot." You order, he does as he's told and you climb in with him

"What's wrong?" You whispered after you wrapped your arms around him

"They hate me. Its just getting worse. I try so hard to get them to like

me, but nothing works." He cried

"Why are you changing to please people?" You ask

"I thought maybe if I became the person they wanted they'd except me." He explained

"Aren't you the one who said 'Stay true to yourself and never sacrifice who you are for anyone'? But yet you aren't staying true to yourself? Why would you believe anything the haters say, because I know for a fact you have a lot more fans than haters. Zayn you are talented, sweet, shy, funny, and handsome! I hate seeing my brother so depressed. When I see you this way it upsets me. Please don't let them get to you anymore and come to me when you need someone?" You begged

Zayn looked up at you and gave you a small smile. He sat up and gave you a big hug. "Thank you (Y/N)! You're right I'll try. And I'll come to you from now on. When did you become so wise?" He teased

"When my big brother needed me." You smiled

"I love you lil sis." He grinned and kissed you on the cheek

"Love you too big bro." You laughed

Louis: Lately Lou has been really depressed. You know it has to do with one of his ex-fans.

You see the other day the ex-fan told Louis he was no good and that he sucked. You wanted to lash out on her for talking to your big brother that way, but Lou held you back and said he was fine.

But you knew better. Today you were going to his flat to see if he was alright.

You had just gotten there when you heard something like glass thrown against the wall break. You ran into Louis flat. There your loving, caring and funny brother was crying and smashing things. You knew he was drunk. You could smell the alcoholic.

"Lou!! Quit, Lou!! Please you're scaring me please!" You screeched as he was about to throw a chair at the wall

"(Y/N), get out!! I don't want you here!!" Louis yelled throwing the chair in your direction

Luckly you moved out of the way before it could hurt you. You looked at Louis with tears brimming at your waterline of your eye.

"Why would you try to hurt me? Where's my Louis at? Just talk to me, please?" You begged

"I'm sorry. I-I...the other day that fan she broke me. A-And I couldn't handle the hate. The hurtful things she said. I-I'm sorry." He stuttered quietly

You ran over to him and hugged him tight while he cried.

"Let me take care of you. Its my turn. You just need to talk to me Lou, I love you and I don't want to loose you." You whispered

"Alright, I'll try. I'll try. I love you too. You won't loose me either." He promised

Liam: You knew your brother was having a hard time with the break up with Danielle. He truly loved her, but things got hard. The hate, hardly seeing each other. They just lost the spark. Liam said he was fine over and over again, but you didn't believe him.

You were walking through your brothers flat door when you saw him on the couch crying and dry heaving.

"Liam what's wrong?" You ask running to his side

"Dani, she came and got her stuff. It is truly over. I thought maybe we could work it out, but she said there was nothing to work out." He cried

You hugged him tight and started singing 'I'll Be' by Edwin McClain.

You knew you couldn't say anything to fix his broken heart, the only thing you could do was be there for him.

"I love you Liam, go ahead and go to sleep. I'll stay here as long as you need me. I'll call the boys tomorrow." You said kissing the top of his head

"I love you too." He mumbled in his sleep

You just smiled and shook your head.

Niall: He has always been happy. But after his car accident, he'd been really depressed. Nothing happened to him, only his girlfriend. She had hit her head hard during the accident. Niall blamed himself, he was thinking it should have been him not her.

Her being in a coma only making it worse. Three months.

You were just in your own thoughts when your brother came barging in.

"Ni, what's wrong?" You hurriedly ask

"She...I...she's dying. It should be me. I'm such a horrible boyfriend. I don't know what to do!" He sobbed pulling at his hair

"Ni, I'm so sorry. You're not horrible. It was an accident. You know if she were here she'd kick your arse for talking like that. I'm here for you okay? I won't go anywhere." You promised holding him tight

He just nodded and held you close while he continued to cry

Harry: You haven't seen you're brother Harry for two weeks, which isn't normal. He loves to come see his nephews and niece, but lately you haven't gotten anything from him. So you decided to go pay him a visit.

Right now you were prepared to knock on the door when a young lady opened the door. She looked at you briefly before pushing passed you with a suitcase in hand.

"And stay out!!" You heard your brother yell from upstairs

You ran to his room to see him sitting up with his head in his hands.

"I said le-(Y/N)?" He ask as if you weren't real

"The one and only." You smiled

He laughed, but than his laugh turned into a heartbreaking sob.

"Harry, what happened?" You ask

"I thought she was the one, but now she cheated on me!! Twice!! I came home an hour ago and caught her!! We were together for six months! I told her I loved her and she just threw everything we had out the door. Everything." He sobbed

You climbed on his bed and held him close and tight.

"She didn't deserve you. The girl you're meant to be with is out there waiting for you. She with be faithful and love you till the day you die. You just have to wait for her." You sighed

"I love you sis." He mumbled

"I love you too Haz. You have to come visit soon. The brats want to see their favourite uncle!" You smiled

He chuckled and nodded.


So how's this?

One Direction/Janoskians imagines.♥Where stories live. Discover now