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Mature - Read at your own risk - Enjoy!(;

I moaned loudly as he pressed the vibrator more fiercely against my cl!t. His tan, rough, but gentle hands rubbed my thighs heightening the pleasuring feeling. He knew I loved being touched everywhere. That all over my skin was hyper-sensitive.

I tried to touch him, but my hands were bound to the bed, I grunted in frustration. He tsked, before saying, "Baby, things come to those who wait. Besides we'll have to finish later. You have to go."

I looked up at him and frowned, "Why? Where do I have to go?"

"You're almost there." He laughed, and gently cupped my face to kiss my lips.

"Wake up Delaney. Wake up. We're here." He said shaking my shoulder.

"Yo, Delaney! Get your ass up." I jumped, looking around noticing we were finally here. I looked at Luke and gave him a nervous smile. I'm hoping I didn't moan out loud or anything.

Incase you're wondering I'm Delaney, I'm 17. Luke Brooks is my sisters uh boyfriend? I don't know. I think they're FWB, but whatever. Anyways we were on way and now here to, but we came to Florida to visit the beach.

It's Kate - my sister - Beau - Luke's brother - Luke - my sister's whatever and my crush - and me. I honestly don't know why they brought me. None of them like me; nor talk to me. My sister made it clear that I was to keep my distance. Hence why I was the only one to sit in the bedding of the truck. My sister said the only reason that I was coming was because my mum said she had to take me to go.

I don't know why they dislike me so much. I'm there age, I'm quiet. Maybe that's why.

I stood up and walked to the door to get out of the truck to jump down, before I could Luke offered me his hand and helped me get down. I smiled up at him, but he just looked at me like I had three heads, I ducked my head and blushed. I walked away only to bump into my sister, she glared at me before saying, "Stay away from Luke. He likes women, not little girls."

"I wasn't going to do anything, I just thanked him for helping me down." I said in a hushed tone. She just gave me a dirty look and shoved me out of the way. I almost fell, but a set of arms caught me. I looked up to see Beau, he gave me a sad smile. I thanked him and jogged into the beach house we rented and found the room at the very end of the hall, but I realized that there was only two bedrooms. I turned when I heard them walk in and said, "There's only two rooms and four of us."

My sister looked at me and gave me an innocent smile, "I thought you could sleep on the couch." While she said this Luke went and looked in the rooms. I looked at my sister and said, "You know, why didn't you just tell mum that I said yes and just take me to a friends or something! Why bring me with you? Dammit. I'm done."

I stumped outside towards the beach. I decided I'd stay out on the beach to cool off. Luckily I had my bikini in under my clothes. I pulled off my clothes and ran towards the water when a ball rolled in front of me, I picked it up looking towards the area it came from to see a gorgeous guy running towards me.

He had baby blue eyes, a pointed nose, blonde hair, a slight tan and a four pack. He was gorgeous, but he wasn't my type.

"Hey, you want to hand me my ball back, beautiful?" He smiled flirtatiously at me, I arched an eyebrow and threw the ball to him.

"So do you have a name?" I nodded, but did answer, "Ah, mysterious eh? Well how about we play volleyball and if I win you have to tell me your name and if you win I'll leave you alone." I laughed, but agreed.

One Direction/Janoskians imagines.♥Where stories live. Discover now