He's a punk and your a nerd

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Tattoos. Tattoos. Tattoos. Not one inch of his skin was clear of the art that covered his body. Well at least his neck, arms. I haven't seen the rest of his body.

Oh gosh, I can feel my face warming up at the thought of seeing him naked.

You want to know who I'm talking about? Zayn Malik. He is the boy in school you don't want to mess with, the bad boy, the rebel, the player, the mysterious one, he's been called all of them.

Me? I don't exactly put a label on him. He just...just Zayn. Although, I've never talked to him. I'm to shy.

I'm (Y/N). I'm the antisocial weirdo, the freak, the bookwarm, or the nerd. I don't put the labels, others do.

"(Y/N), can you sing the beginning line of this song?" Ms. Partings asked

I nodded," Written in these walls are the stories that I can't explain, I leave my heart open, but it stays here empty for days." I finished

"Hmph." She sneered at me, just because I'm spacing doesn't mean I'm not paying attention.

"Okay, so this week you are to pair up and write a song and sing for the class. And you will not choose your partner, you will pick out of this hat." She smirked "You'll go first."

I picked out a piece of paper," Zayn Malik." I read out loud, than realized what I said.

I looked over at Zayn, but he was looking at his sketch book.. like usual.

I got up, walking over to his desk when Shelia (the schools bitch, again I don't put the labels) put her leg out, but since I was looking at Zayn and not down I didn't see it, I tripped and fell.

"Eww. Watch where you're going!" Shelia sneered, I felt the tears coming, but I wouldn't let her know she got to me.

"Aww are you going to cry?" She taunted

"What the hell is wrong with you?! Why are you such a bitch?  I didn't do anything to you!" I yelled, getting frustrated

She got in my face, and whispered in a voice so quiet I had to strain to hear her. "You can love him all you want, but he'll never want you. I mean look at you, do us all a fever and end it."

"I-I," Shelia was roughly pushed away from me, when I looked up I saw Zayn's concerned eyes looking down on me.

"Are you okay, love?"  Zayn Asked, putting an arm around you.

"Y-Yeah, I'm fine." You whisper, looking down. Just than the bell rings, you turn to grab your stuff, but Zayn's arm around your waist stops you.

"Yours or mine?" Zayn's sultry voice whispered in your ear.

You couldn't stop the shiver that ran down your spine. "Mine."

Zayn smiles and waits for you to get your stuff, than he grabs your hand. You like the feeling of holding hands with Zayn down the hallway, than your eyes land on Shelia. She's glaring at you, Zayn notices and turns to, wrapping his arms around your waist, and buring his face in the side of your neck, he kisses your neck. His lips slowly travel up to your ear, leaving kiss along the way. "I hate how they treat you, babe." He whispers, than nibbles on your ear.

"I don't either." You whisper in such a low voice Zayn has to strain his ears to hear you.

"Well they won't mess with you anymore." He stated, he pulled back and grabbed your hand, interlacing your fingers with his.

One Direction/Janoskians imagines.♥Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin