Episode 14-1: Tragedy

452 18 236

脚本: 長谷川 圭一/監督: 田口 清隆
Screenplay: Keiichi Hasegawa
Director: Kiyotaka Taguchi

The defeat of Herrscher Kiana was only the tip of the iceberg.

Her defeat didn't mean the end of the ongoing Crisis Eruption, which had reached a critical stage.

The kaijus she summoned were still active and roaming around in a rampage, wreaking havoc in the surrounding cities.

Horoboros was still rampaging around Guangzhou, causing devastating damage in the urban areas and turning it into a ruined landscape.

The feline monster continued to wreak havoc and destruction, remaining an enormous threat and causing widespread fear and terror among the locals stranded without much assistance.

The population was panicking and trying to flee in the face of the Horoboros rampaging in the streets as the monster continued its devastating run.

It created great chaos and destruction and showed no signs of stopping soon.

"Please remain calm and evacuate to the underground train station!"

The security guards tried their best to control and keep the crowd organized, announcing the underground train station through their megaphones as a designated shelter and evacuation point.

The monster let out a loud, deafening howling noise that shook the city.

Suddenly, an unexpected attack came from above.

It was struck by a powerful gunshot in the air, forcing the Horoboros to let out a howling howl in pain as it tried to identify the attacker.

The M-421 Markarian fighter jet and the Hyperion spaceship arrived at the scene, as they were dispatched to assist in helping with the Horoboros menace.

The pair of high-tech airborne vehicles were equipped with powerful offensive and defensive weapons, and they quickly engaged the monster to drive it away and lessen its rampage in the city.

Bronya was in control of the Markarian fighter jet, executing several aerial maneuvers to draw the Horoboros' attention away from the civilians.

"Fanning Bullet. Fire!"

Bronya declared, aiming the Markarian's .50 Caliber Gatling blaster, Fanning Bullet, at Horoboros to bombard the monster with heavy artillery.

Although Bronya's attack may have only caused minor damage to the Horoboros monster, it was enough to draw its attention and lure it away from the city.

The fighter jet and Hyperion ship managed to help redirect the monster's focus and keep the people away from harm.

The Hyperion Cannon aboard the Hyperion spaceship started to charge up to maximal power, and Bronya continued to distract the Horoboros away from the charging cannon.

"Hyperion Cannon! Fire!"

In command of the firing sequence, Theresa gave the order to fire and directed the cannon to blast at will.

The Hyperion Cannon unleashed a devastating beam of bright blue rays, striking Horoboros with tremendous force and power.

The destructive force of the Hyperion Cannon managed to blast the Horoboros to the ground, severely injuring and incapacitating the monster and leaving it unable to continue its rampage.

However, the beam itself wasn't powerful enough to completely eradicate and obliterate the beast into tiny pieces, leaving the monster in a heavily damaged and weakened state.

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