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Y/n:„i wanna sleep in your room daddy..."

Steve:„no baby!"

Y/n:„please Daddy!"

She looked at me with her big eyes and stretched her arms out to me so I would pick her up.


Bucky:„she totally got you wrapped around her little finger!'

I thought about it for a second and sighed.

Steve:„no darling!...sorry you can't sleep in our room!"

Y/n:„why not?"

Her eyes looked straight into mine and it broke my heart saying no to her.

Bucky:„cause daddy and I are really really tired and just want to go to sleep!'


She started crying more and I looked over at Bucky.

Bucky:„c'mon! You handle it!"

Steve:„calm down baby please!"

She shook her head no and stretched her arms out again.

Steve:„y/n! We don't need this bratty attitude now!"

She stopped and we gave her a kiss.

Y/n:„can you at least tell me a goodnight story?"

Steve:„buck your turn!'

We laid down next to y/n and Bucky started telling us a story.

I felt asleep and so did y/n and Bucky.

As I woke up I looked at y/n's clock and saw that it was 2 am so I started shaking Bucky until he woke up.

Steve:‚c'mon baby let's go to our room alright?..."

He nodded and stood up.

We turned the little night light off and felt asleep right away after we laid down into our bed.

In the morning I saw that y/n was sleeping in our bed in between us.

Steve:„y/n? Since...since when are you here?"

Y/n:„i don't know..."

Steve:„alright time to stand up hm? C'mon!"

She shook her head no and clung up on Bucky.

Steve:„princess now! C'mon!'

Y/n:„no...i don't wanna...please!"

Steve:„no! Y/n you will come with me now!"

She sighed and stood up.

As we were downstairs eating breakfast Bucky came too.

Steve;„morning baby!'

Bucky:„morning! You handled it perfectly!"


Bucky:„you know what I mean! As y/n didn't want to go downstairs!'

Steve:‚oh thank you!'

We kissed and suddenly my phone started ringing and y)n picked up.

Y/n;„hellooooo!...no he's not here! He's busy!'

She hung up and started eating again.

Steve:„who was it?'

She just shrugged her arms and I fastly called back.

It was the doctor...

Steve:„hi I'm so so sorry! Y/n was just playing around-"

Doctor:„its fine! Kids are like that! You can't do anything about it! By the way we have the results!"

Steve:„why and since when is it so fast?"

Doctor:„mr.stark called me some hours later so...he helped us to speed it up!'

Steve:„thank you!"

Doctor:„i would need you here in my office so we could take a look at it!"

I hung up and took my car keys.

Bucky:„so you won't tell me where you're going?"

Steve:„to the doctor! Wanna come with me?"


Y/n:„me too!"

Steve;„sorry sweetie you can't go with us..."

Y/n:„but...i wanna!"

Steve;„we will be here in an hour ok?"

Y/n:„no...why can't I go?"

Bucky;„daddy said no!"

She sighed and wanted to walk upstairs with buddy but I called her back.

Steve:„we love you y/n!"

Y/n:„love you too..."

She mumbled and looked down at buddy.

We kissed her and walked into the garage.

Bucky was driving cause I was too nervous!

Stucky's kid 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon