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We helped to build up the fort and buddy ran into it.

Steve:„y/n's let's pack a suitcase for you hm?"


Steve:„well we are going to Clint's remember?"

Y/n:„oh yeah!"

Bucky:„we must even go to Sam's this year..."

Steve:„buck! You're happy right?"

He gave me his death stare and I chuckled.

We packed a suitcase for y/n and then walked into our room to pack one for us too.

Y/n:„when are we going?"

Steve:„an half hour maybe? But we must go to the garage!"

We walked downstairs to see everyone waiting there.

Tony:„so we are ten people cause Clint is already at his house and Thor will get there his way you know...we will need two cars guys! Oh and I will decide who's driving with me! Pepper, Parker, Bruce and Natasha! So that means that Steve, Bucky, y/n, Morgan and Sam will drive together! Have fun!"

Steve:„wait Morgan is your daughter!"

Tony:„yeah but y/n is a kid too and maybe they wanna play some games with eachother!"

We sat down and drove off.

Not even ten minutes later y/n and Morgan started fighting.

Morgan:„she kicked me!"

Y/n:„you are lying!'

Morgan:„no you are!"

Y/n:„and you are dumb!"

Morgan:„you are stupid!"


Steve:„stop it girls or Uncle Sam must sit between you!"

Sam:„i can't sit there or I will get carsick!"

Bucky rolled his eyes and I slapped his arm lightly.

Steve:„it feels like I have four kids in this car! And Morgan stop kicking against my seat please!'

We drove an good half an hour and y/n started wiggling around in the back.


Steve:„yeah bubs?"

Y/n:„when are we gonna be there? I'm bored..."

Steve:„soon baby! Just take a nap!"

Y/n;„daddy I'm not a baby! I don't need naps!"

Steve:„yeah you are totally a grown up just wait I will stop somewhere at a gas station, gas up and buy us food!"

Morgan:„i don't need nap times either!'

Y/n:„oh really...?"

She kicked her again and the fight started again.

Steve:„sam go sit down between them!"

Sam:„no I will puke!'

Bucky;„don't be such a baby!'

Sam punched Bucky's arm lightly and they started fighting too.

Steve:„you know that I'm the driver and I have enough of ALL OF YOU!'

They were quite until I stopped somewhere and walked out to calm down a bit.

Suddenly Sam walked out and switched seats with y/n.

As I sat back down they apologized and we drove off.

I bought everyone something to eat and drink and after an half hour Sam put a hand on my shoulder.

Sam:„stop the car...I'm feeling sick!'

I stopped but it was already too late.

He puked into the car and y/n started feeling sick too but I fastly opened her car door and she threw up into the grass.

Steve:„sam go sit down on the grass I'm gonna clean it up really fast.

Morgan was sleeping and while I cleaned up the car Bucky pulled out some pills.

Bucky:„come here I have some pills for you!"

Sam:„thank you..."

Bucky:„i was talking to y/n-"


Bucky:„alright sorry...here you go!'


Sam and Morgan were sleeping the whole time and I gave y/n my phone and headphones so she could listen to music.

In the end she felt asleep too.

Stucky's kid 2Where stories live. Discover now