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Steve:„hi darling what's going on?"

Y/n:„when are you gonna be here?"

Steve:„give us twenty minutes alright?"

Y/n:„where are you?"


Y/n:„can you buy me something sweet?..."

I thought about what I have read on Google and stayed quite...


Steve:„oh uhm...I- y/n we don't have so much money with us you know? It's uhm...-"

Y/n:„its ok..."

Steve:„alright baby! Be good hm?"


I hung up and saw Bucky looking at me.

Bucky:‚,so money's the problem now huh?'

Steve:„you know that sugar makes cancer worse right?'

Bucky:„she doesn't have cancer! Ok?'

Steve:„if you think so! I'm not gonna buy her anything sweet!'

He rolled his eyes and after shopping we drove home.

Y/n:„dad! Daddy!"

She ran up to us and hugged us.

Bucky:„hey! I got ya something!'

Y/n;‚what? What is it?"

He pulled out some candy and gave it to her.

Y/n:„thank you!'

She gave him a kiss and he chuckled.

Bucky:„no problem doll!'

I looked at him and he just shrugged his shoulders.

As I started pulling out the things from the shopping bags Bucky walked over to me while whispering into my ear:„calm down..."

Steve;„calm do-"


Steve;„calm down...? Buck I told you that she could have cancer and candy makes it worse...!"

Bucky:„i know...! I'm not stupid...! But she's a fucking kid so let her live her best life...!"

I ignored him and he sat down on the kitchen counter chuckling.

Bucky;„you know that you can't ignore me right ?"

I didn't say anything and after I finished I walked upstairs.

~bucky pov~


Y/n:„what's going on with daddy? He's acting weird..."

Bucky:„what do you mean doll?"

Y/n:„he was stuttering the whole time and well...just talking weird!'

Bucky:„stay here I'm gonna talk to daddy alright?"

Y/n nodded and I walked upstairs where I saw Steve doing something on his laptop.

Bucky:„ok I'm sorry that I bought her the stupid candy!"

He still didn't say anything and I sighed.

Bucky:„you really wanna ignore me? I can ignore you too! Steve!"

I sat down next to him and watched him while just staring into his eyes.

An half hour later y/n walked into the room and looked at us confused.

Y/n:„what are you doing?"

Bucky:„daddy is in a bad mood!"

Steve:„princess I think that you should go downstairs! Hm?"

She walked out and that's when Steve looked me into my eyes.

Steve:„you think it's funny to test me? You think you can just disobey me? You-"

Bucky:‚alright alright! I get it! I made a mistake!"

Steve:„no James! No! you won't get away with this!"

Bucky:„steve I really don't wanna-"

Steve:„zip it!"

He turned his laptop around so I could look at the display where I saw ill kids in hospitals with their parents.

Steve:„you want y/n to be in a hospital with cancer? These parents are mentally unstable and are maybe crying every night! Who knows-"

Bucky:„no! Steve-"

Steve:„i said zip it! I'm talking! Y)n has a 80% chance to get cancer!"

I nodded and sighed.

Steve;„if you wanna kill her then go on! C'mon! Give her the stupid candy!"

His eyes started tearing up and I knew that he was thinking about his mom...it would be hard for him to loose someone who's so important to him again.

Stucky's kid 2Where stories live. Discover now