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I nodded and felt daddy help me back up as i slumped to the ground.

Bucky:‚did daddy give you your pills?"

I shook my head no and suddenly remembered that he gave me the pills as he walked out!

Steve:„oh god! She took them again! I gave her the pills!"

Bucky:„omg y/n! What now?"


Daddy picked me up and ran into Bruce's lab.

~steve pov~

Steve:„bruce we need help! She took too many pills!'

He wanted to give her an injection but y/n suddenly threw up.

Bruce:„steve please wipe it away! Y/n I need to give you an injection alright? Try to stay still!'

Y/n:„no...please I don't...I don't wanna..."

Bucky:„doll please!"

She started squirming so Bucky held her down.

Bucky:„y/n you never were scared of injections!"

Y/n:„my belly..."

Bruce:„does it hurt?"

She nodded and started tearing up.

After the injections, Bruce gave her something against her bellyache and she felt asleep.

We staid there for a bit and Bruce walked upstairs.

Steve:„my heart stopped for a moment as she told us that she took her pills..."

Bucky:„mine too..."

He stroked over her hair but she didn't even move.

We walked upstairs after an hour and saw Bruce sitting and talking to the others.

Steve:„hey...is it normal that she sleeps so long?"

Bruce:„hm? Oh yes! Yes she is tired cause of the pills! Her body went trough a lot! This process was very exhausting for her!"


Bruce:„well her body was keeping her awake the whole time! Then the throwing up was very tiring! You know that she lost maybe 55% of her strength or more as the overdosis process started!"

Steve:„alright...thank you Bruce!"

Bruce:„no problem!"

Clint:„what exactly happened?'

Bucky:„steve gave y/n her pills and she took another dosis!"

Clint:„i hope she will get better!"

Steve:„of course she will!"

Tony:„poor little girl! She's been through a lot!"

Steve:„you have no idea..."

As we were eating dinner y/n stumbled upstairs.

Bucky:„y/n! Hey doll! How are you?'

She closed her eyes and leaned forward into Bucky's chest where she felt asleep again.

Bucky:„i'll bring her upstairs ok?"

I nodded and he walked upstairs.

~bucky pov~

I put her to bed and buddy jumped up on her bed.

Bucky:„take care of her alright?"

Buddy licked over my face and I chuckled.

After we ate dinner we took a look at y/n and then walked over into our room.


Steve nodded and we started watching.

It was midnight as we finished and Steve was half asleep.

~steve pov~

I felt Bucky shaking me so I opened my eyes and looked at the clock he was holding in front of my face.


Bucky:„its the first December! C'mon open your calendar!"

Steve:„its late buck..."

Bucky:„please I can't sleep!"

Steve:„then try!"

He rolled his eyes and sat down on top of me.

Bucky:„please please please please!"


I put my pillow on my face and felt asleep again.

At 3 am I woke up and saw that Bucky felt asleep on me.

I turned the night light on, changed and walked out for a early morning run.

It was cold outside but it wasn't snowing until I ran back! Suddenly there was snow and I slipped as I ran over the little bridge.

My phone started ringing and I saw that it was Bucky.

Stucky's kid 2Where stories live. Discover now