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~Steve pov~

I woke up as my alarm started ringing and saw that y/n's school called me about 20 times.

Steve:„buck! I think we have a problem!"

We quickly drove to y/n's school and the teacher told us that y/n was in the hospital.

As we arrived there, we saw her sitting on a chair and a nurse giving her a asthma spray.

Steve:„oh god y/n! Did you forgot your spray at home again?"


Principal:„could I talk to one of you?"

Bucky sat down next to y/n and I walked out to talk to the principal.

As he told me what happened, I didn't know how to react to be honest...

He left to go back to school and I ran back over to Bucky and y/n.

The nurse was still putting the asthma spray to her mouth but she couldn't breathe.

Steve:„can I try?"

She gave it over to me and I saw that she felt dizzy.

Steve:„hey baby...concentrate on me. Hm? You know what we got you for your birthday?"

I put the asthma spray into her mouth and my hand on her belly while she shook her head no

Steve:„it's big."

She smiled and her breathing calmed down a bit as Bucky started rubbing her back.

Steve:„ok now breathe in for the last time honey and hold it in for five seconds!"

She did and then slowly breathed out.

Steve:„good girl...are you ok?"


Steve:„wanna talk to us about what happened?"

Y/n:„not really..."

Steve:„I get that...hey-"

Nurse:„we wanna measure her blood pressure and look if she's fine if it's ok for you!"

Bucky:„yeah it's ok!"

Y/n was looking at her hands and Bucky pulled her into a side hug.

Nurse:„you've got there a big bruise sweetie! Who did this to you?"

Y/n:„no one..."

Nurse:„maybe you wanna talk to me alone?"

Steve:„hey uhm sorry...do you think that we would hurt her?"

Nurse:„mr please! I don't wanna-"

Steve:„I wanna talk to another nurse! Now!"

She walked out and I saw how y/n got distracted by Bucky's arm.

Nurse:„I'm sorry! I'm the only nurse who's available at the time! And I wanna speak to her alone!"

Steve:„yeah and I'm her father! I don't want you to speak to her! We-"

Y/n:„dad make him stop..."

Bucky:„hey Stevie...it's her birthday just let's go out for 3 minutes and let them talk hm?"

We did and after the nurse finished we saw that y/n was crying again.

Steve:„what did you do to her?"

Nurse:„I was just asking her questions.

Steve:„alright that's enough we are going home! Come here sweetie!"

I picked her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and I carried her over to the car.

Steve:„bubs...look at me..."

She did and I wiped her tears away.

Steve:„remember that we would never ever hurt you!"

She nodded and gave me a kiss.

Steve:„alright let's go home hm?"

Bucky was driving while I was sitting in the back with y/n.

Steve:„what do you wanna do when we get home?"



She nodded and I saw buckys concerned look trough the reviewer mirror.

Bucky:„and what about playing some games?"

Y/n:„no...it's ok you have a lot of work."

Steve:„no we don't! We have a lot of time for you!"


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