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Steve:„but Anna isn't as beautiful and smart as you are!'

Y/n;„you are just saying this cause you have too!'

Steve:„no! I don't have too!'

Y)n:„of course you do! You are my dad..."

Bucky:„well my dad never told me something like that!"

Y/n:„so you are telling me this cause you feel bad?"

Bucky:„no...we don't have to tell you that you are beautiful but we do cause it's the truth!"

Steve:„do you understand us now?"

I nodded and they hugged me.

Steve:„alright...good girl! Now let's do your homework hm?"

I nodded and we did my homework.

I started crying as we were doing the homework twice cause I didn't understand it!

After my dad's told me how it works I made it and stopped crying.

~steve pov~

She finished with her homework and I sighed while she walked back upstairs.

Bucky:„a very rough day Huh?'

I nodded and kissed him.

Steve:„she will forget it!"

Bucky:„i hope so..."

We didn't do much this day just went out with buddy while y/n prepared for school and went to sleep.


~y/n pov~

I woke up and got ready for school.

My dad's gave me breakfast and cause I didn't want to take the bus I walked to school.

My dad's didn't know that I walked to school and I knew they would get mad if they found out!

As I was walking I suddenly saw something laying on the ground between the bushes...

As I walked over I saw there were shoes and as I walked behind the bush I saw a girl...she was dead!

I was just staring at her and pulled my phone out while calling my dad's.

Bucky:„what's going on y)n?'

Y/n:„dad...? I found a girl..."


Y/n;„a dead girl! Dad please pick me up from here!"

Bucky:‚,where are you?"

Y/n:„next to the coffee shop where peta buys uncle Tony's coffee..."

Bucky:„why are you there? Alright you know what? We are gonna be there in a few minutes!"

As their car pulled over some minutes later I fastly ran over to them.

Bucky:„show me where the girl is!"

I showed him and he called the police while daddy sat down into the car with me.

Steve;„and you are ok?"

I nodded.

Steve:„if you're scared cause of the body...you can! Ok? It's alright!'

I nodded again and suddenly a police officer knocked at my window.

My dad opened it and they started asking me questions.

I maybe was a bit scared but the police officer told my dad's that I should go home instead of school.

As we drove home I saw the dead girl being put into a bag or at least into something what looked like a bag...

Bucky:„y/n why were you even walking to school?"

I didn't say anything...I was feeling awkward...I was scared.


He pulled over and they both looked at me.

Bucky:„y/n I know you are scared and this was scary but death is normal and it will happen to all of us!'


~steve pov~

The way her lip quivers...tears started running down her cheeks so I put my hand on her leg while Bucky sat down into the back with her.

Bucky:„y/n listen to me...it's gonna be fine! We are here and we won't let anything like this happen to you!"

Y/n:„im scared..."

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