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As the doctors came into our room again they saw that I haven't eaten anything so we got into a argument that made them call my dad's...

After they hung up my dad's called me so I picked up.

Bucky:„y/n? You must eat!"

Y/n:„dad they're mean...please pick me up..."

Bucky:‚y/n we can't! Ok? We can't pick you up! You must stay there! Do you finally understand it?"

Y/n:„i want to talk to daddy!"

Suddenly I heard Thor in the back screaming:„ stark! I need a new phone!"

Tony:„what the hell happened to it?!"

Thor:„well it didn't work so I smashed it with my hammer..."

I giggled and dad gave the phone over to daddy.

Steve:„what's going on trouble maker?"

Y/n:„pick me up please!"


Y/n:„the food is gross!'

Steve:„hey! I think they are giving their best. You must be grateful for that!"


Steve:„no buts!"

Y/n:„im hungry..."

Steve:„please eat it for us! Please..."


Steve:„great! You're the best honey! Now rest or do what you want but stay in bed and be a good girl!"

Y)n:„yes...i love you!"

Steve:„love you more! Bye..."

I hung up and wanted to read a book but then suddenly Mia started talking to me.

Mia:„we could do something fun! Like...sprinting through the halls or-"

Y/n:„first of all your knee and second of all we are not allowed too!'

Mia:„who said we would run?"

She sat down into her wheelchair and drove over to the door.


Y/n;„i don't have a wheelchair..."

Mia:„of course! In every room are wheelchairs!"

I sat down into it and we drove out.


Mia:„c'mon! Faster!"

They ran after us and we drove around the hospital as fast as possible but as I wanted to turn left I saw stairs so I fastly stood up and the wheelchair felt down the stairs.

The doctor took us both and brought us back into our room.

Doctor:„we don't wanna you drive here around young ladys alright? Mia we talked about it already!"

Mia nodded and I laid back down.

Doctor:„y/n are you really ok? You almost fell down the stairs!"


Doctor:„does something hurt you?"

I shook my head no and he walked out.

Mia:„that was fun wasn't it?"

Y/n:„yeah...I mean a bit scary but fun!'

We talked a lot and for the first time...I wasn't scared! I was feeling fine...

As the nurses came into the room with dinner I told them that I wasn't hungry.

Nurse:„y/n you need to eat!"

Y/n:„i don't wanna!'

Nurse:„you must! Or we will call your dad's!"


She wanted to feed me but I smacked the fork onto the floor.

After my dad's called me again and told me how I should behave I went to sleep but woke up some hours later cause my ADHD kicked in.

I wasn't allowed to take my pills before the operation so I just walked around the room.

I was so hungry that I walked out and started searching after the kitchen but I didn't find it and suddenly a doctor came up to me.

Doctor:„hey! Shouldn't you be asleep?"

Y)n:„im hungry ..."

Doctor:„oh you must be y/n right?'

I nodded and he chuckled.

Doctor:„alright...let's go!"

I ran after him and as he open the door to the kitchen I sprinted into it.

Stucky's kid 2Where stories live. Discover now