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Suddenly my dad's car pulled over so I took my things and walked over to them.

Bucky:‚hey honey! How was school?'


Steve:„y/n talk!"

I couldn't talk...I knew if I would say something I just couldn't stop crying.

We arrived at home and I ran inside.

Steve:„so what's going on y/n?'

I sat down and started stroking over buddy's fur.

Bucky:„did we do something wrong?'

I shook my head no and laid down.

Steve:„then talk to us! Is it about Anna?"

I shook my head no and cuddled up with buddy.

Bucky:„what's going on? Wanna talk alone?"

I shook my head no again and knew that they got a bit mad.

Bucky:‚y/n we really don't have time for this! Tell us or you can go upstairs into your room!'

I stood up but they called buddy back so I sat down again.

Steve:„gonna tell us?"

I shook my head no so he sat me down on the time out bench.

~bucky pov~

I poured myself a drink and Steve started reading a book while y/n was sitting on the time out bench.

Tony and the others walked into the compound and saw y/n sitting on the time out bench.

Tony:„hi peach- why are you sitting on the time out bench?-"

Steve:„no hey don't talk to her! She must think about what to tell us when she's done with being moody!"

Everyone sat down and suddenly we heard y/n sobbing loudly.

Steve put his book down and everyone looked at her.

Tony;„peach what's going on?"

Steve:„if it's because of the time out bench...you can leave it in five minutes!'

Y/n:„no...no! You don't understand...you-"

She started crying more and I walked up to her while putting my drink on the little coffee table.

Bucky;‚what's going on?"


She suddenly stopped and wiped her tears away.

Y/n;„i-its ok?..."

Bucky:„nothing's ok! You were crying! What's bothering you?"

Y)n:„i wanna go upstairs..."

Bucky;„you still have five minutes left!"

Steve;„let her go!"

She ran upstairs and I heard that she started crying again.

Steve:„pete! What about you look after her hm?"

Peter:„i uhm...I can try!"

~y/n pov~

Peter walked into my room and sat down on my bed.

Peter:„i know something's going on...and you can talk to me...if you want!"

I shook my head no and he pulled me into a hug.

Then tony walked in so Peter let me out and walked downstairs.


I looked down and he stroked over my cheek.

Tony:„peach you gotta tell me what's going on! I'm not gonna tell your dad's if you don't wanna!"

Y)n:„do you ...do you uhm ...-"


Y/n:„think im fat...?"


Y/n:„do you think I'm fat?..."

Tony;„who told you that? You're not fat!"

Y/n:„but they never lie...!"

Tony:„of course they do! And now look me into the eyes and tell me that you are beautiful!"


Tony:„cause it's the truth!'

I shook my head no but he squat down in front of me and looked me into my eyes.

Tony:„tell me!"

I started crying and he hugged me.

Y/n:„i don't wanna...I don't-"

Tony:‚you must not peach! If you know that you're perfect then it's enough for me! But promise me to tell your dad's! I'm gonna send them upstairs alright?"

Y/n:„no...no! Don't go! Please don't...don't tell them..."

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