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Again she stayed quite and wanted to turn around but steve pulled her back.

Steve:„what did you say?"



Bucky:„steve pleas-"

Steve:„no! She won't talk to us like that! Now tell me what you've said!'

Y/n:„you know it anyways!'

Steve:„i wanna hear it from you y/n!"

She shook her head no so Steve's grip got harder and his look got more strict from time to time.

Bucky:‚alright both of you stop! Y/n you apologise! And Steve you calm down a bit!"

Steve calmed down a bit and let go of her.


Bucky:„alright now y/n take your meds and Steve you're gonna come with me!"

She took her meds and I pulled Steve into our room.

Steve:„what the hell was that?"

Bucky:„stop it Steve...she just wanted to know something about her!"

Steve:„she fucking ran away from school buck!"

Bucky:„i know! It wasn't right from her to do that but she got punished already ok?'

He nodded and sat down.



Bucky:„go out?"

Steve:„for a run?"

Bucky:„ugh...alright! Let's go out for a run!"

He smiled, we took buddy and wanted to walk out.

Y)n:„wait for me!'

Bucky:„no y/n! remember your punishment!'

Y/n;„no! Dad please let me go with you!'

Steve:„no! Y/n go up to your room now!"

Y/n:„no please..."

Bucky:„y/n go!"

Y/n:„why do you hate me?"

She ran upstairs before I could say something and slammed her door shut.

Nat:„im gonna talk to her alright? Just go!'

We walked out and Steve started sprinting while I was just running slowly behind him.

~y/n pov~

Nat came upstairs and sat down next to me.


I just looked up from my book and back down.

Nat:„wanna talk about what you've just said?"

I ignored her and laid down.

Nat:„i think your dad's do love you a lot!"

I turned to the other side while pulling my blanket up.

Nat:‚what about apologizing to them?"

I pulled the blanket over my head while letting out a sigh.


She pulled the blanket down, took my book and put it away.



She walked out and I felt asleep after a few minutes of thinking if I should or shouldn't apologize.


Bucky:„doll wake up! C'mon!"

My throat was burning and as I tried to swallow it hurt really bad.


I stopped talking as I felt my throat stinging.

Bucky:„hm? What's going on?"

I pointed to my neck and he walked over to me.

Bucky:„does it hurt?"

I nodded and as he sat me up I let myself fall forward into his arms.


I was sweating and shivering at this point so he picked me up.

Bucky:„wow you're burning up! You've been ill like two weeks ago! What's going on with you lately honey?"

He walked into his room with me where daddy was brushing his hair.

Steve:„ready for school? Lets-"

Bucky:„she's ill! again!"

Steve:„what? Again?"

He put the back of his hand on my cheeks and sighed.

Steve:„ill...y/n how do you feel?"

I wanted to say something but nothing came out.

Steve:„we should maybe go check it out hm?"

I shook my head no so I stretched my arms out so he would pick me up.

He pressed me against his chest and I hugged his arm tightly.

Stucky's kid 2Where stories live. Discover now