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~steve pov~

I knelt down next to her and wiped the water drop off of her cheek.

Steve:„talk to us when you're ready! Ok?"

She nodded and walked upstairs.



Steve:„take a look at her trousers..."

I gave him the trousers and he sighed.

Bucky:„I know that she doesn't wanna go to another school...but c'mon we can't pick her up everyday! I mean think about us being on a mission!"

Steve:„I know but I also don't want her anxiety to get worse!"

Bucky:„maybe it will get better..."

Steve:„what if not?"

Bucky:„we will figure out something!"

Steve:„but it shouldn't get worse!"

Bucky:„Stevie! We always figured out something!"

Steve:„yeah...but it won't get better..."

Bucky:„hey...her birthday is tomorrow what about we focus on that and try to cheer her up?"

We walked upstairs and saw her sitting by the table doing her homework.

Steve:„y/n...hey you changed already!"


Bucky:„your birthday is tomorrow!"


Steve:„aren't you excited? We have a big big big surprise for you!"


Bucky:„what do you wanna have for breakfast tomorrow?"

Y/n:„I don't know..."

Steve:„should I make you some pancakes?"


Steve:„why not? I thought you loved them..."

Y/n:„I don't know...it's just a lot of work...a toast is fine I guess..."

Bucky:„but it's your birthday! C'mon you don't wanna make yourself a bad birthday hm?"


Steve:„no! See? It will be the best birthday!"

Y/n:„ok...can you leave please?"

Bucky:„oh...uhm I-I yeah Steve c'mon!"

We walked into our room and I sat down on our bed.

Steve:„I told you!"

Bucky:„oh god...it will get better...hey what about driving her to school tomorrow. I mean tell the principal about all this and maybe they will stop just for tomorrow."

Steve:„yeah let's do that!"

Y/n didn't come downstairs the whole day, didn't eat, didn't go out with buddy...so we walked upstairs into her room.

Steve:„hey we called you for dinner princess!"

Y/n:„I know..."

Bucky:„aren't you hungry?"

She shook her head no so Bucky knelt down in front of her and stroked over her legs sighing.

Bucky:„are you tired?"


Steve:„what about going to sleep hm? I mean tomorrow you will be a big girl already..."

She smiled slightly and laid down.

We waited until she felt asleep and then walked into our room, pulling out some decoration stuff, baking stuff, glitter,balloons...(in her favorite color of course!)

Everyone was waiting there and we started decorating, baking...

We finished at 1 am and went to sleep.

In the morning we woke up y/n and everyone sang happy birthday to her.

Then I made her some pancakes in her favorite color and we drove her to school.

Steve:„I'm coming with you alright?"

She nodded and as I told her to go to class the principal walked up to me.

Principal:„hi mr.rogers! Nice to see you. I wanted to talk to you already!"

Steve:„yeah I'm here cause it's y/n's birthday and I was hoping that you could talk to the kids...you know just for today..."

Principal:„I will tell the teachers about it!"

Steve:„thank you."

I walked over to Bucky and we drove home.

Bucky:„I'm very happy that we didn't organize a party like we did last year!"

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