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I told them everything while tears ran down my cheeks cause i was so scared that they would shout at me again.

Steve:„we told you to never go out without us! Why did you do this?'

Y/n:„buddy wanted to go out...?"


Y/n:„i wasn't thinking...I forgot!'

Steve:‚y/n! You have simple rules!"

Y/n:„i know...I am sorry...I'm sorry that I'm so dumb...I didn't-"

Steve:„no! Y/n I don't wanna hear this from you cause it's not true ok?"

I felt dad pulling me into a side hug and kissing my cheek while I nodded.

After I calmed down daddy received a call.

Steve:„hey what's up?"

He walked out of the room and I hugged dad.

As daddy came back he kissed dad and then looked at me.

Steve:„y/n we are gonna be here in some hours ok?"

Y/n:„where are you going?'

Steve;„shooting with dad!"

Y/n:„please let me come with you! Please!"

Steve:„no y/n! You've been bad!'

Y/n:„im sorry! Please let me go with you! Please..."

I looked at them with my puppy eyes and pouted my lips.

Bucky:„alright...let's go!'


Dad looked at him with a death stare and daddy staid quite.

They packed up and we drove to Jim's.

I sat down by a table and after some minutes Jims friends came over.

Jim:„Hey! Y/n how are you? Where are your dad's?'

Y/n:„shooting...and I'm ok...you?..."

Jim:„we're all great I guess! Wanna play black jack?"

Y/n:„i forgot the rules..."

Jim:„no problem!"

I sat down by their table and we started playing.

Jim:„what happened to your face little one?"


After an hour my dad's walked over to us.

Jim:„hey guys!"

Bucky:„hi! We hope that it's ok that we went shooting without you knowing!'

Jim:„yep! It's ok until you take her with you!"

I smiled up on them and my dad's walked over to me.

Jim:„and what do you want for Christmas?'


Steve:„nothing? Wow that's a lot!"

Bucky:„steve! Y/n you must have a wish!"


I started focusing on my cards again and won the next round!

Jim:„im not gonna play with you y/n! You're too good!'

I chuckled and my dad put his hand on my shoulder.

Jim:„do you already have a advent calendar?"

Y/n:„no...should I?"

Bucky:‚well we're gonna buy you one! And you can choose it yourself so let's go hm?"

They packed up their things and we drove to a shopping center where we started looking after a advent calendar.

There were a lot and I choose one with Disney princesses.

It was like a Disney storybook calendar.

I choose it cause my dad's would read it to me so I would fall asleep.

Bucky:„you like that one?"

I nodded and they smiled.

After they paid we drove home.

Nat:„wow! What do you have there?"

Y/n;„an Advent calendar..."

Nat:„let me take a look!'

I gave it to her and she gasped what made me giggle.

Nat:„i would love to have that one! Rogers buy me one too! Please!"

Steve:„let me think about it...no!'

They laughed and I put the calendar upstairs.

~steve pov~

We walked upstairs and I sat down on our bed but suddenly Bucky opened a drawer and walked over to me holding something behind his back.

Stucky's kid 2Where stories live. Discover now