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Doctor:„her tonsils are red and a little swollen! Well she has tonsillitis!"

Steve:„alright what now?'

Doctor:„well since it isn't that bad...just let it be! If it will happen again we will operate her."

Y/n's eyes got bigger and her breathing changed.

Bucky:„no no no...hey calm down sweetie!"


Steve:„y/n it's not gonna happen alright?'

Doctor:„hey y/n what about my assistant taking your temperature while your dad's and me are gonna talk?"

She shook her head no and started tearing up as Bucky wanted to put her down.

Bucky:„y/n my back starts hurting. can you at least sit down on my lap baby?"

She nodded slowly and he sat her down on his lap.

No second later a nurse came into the room to measure y/n's temperature and giving her some medicine.

Doctor:‚maria I need to talk to her parents alone...'

She nodded and looked at y/n.

Maria:„hi! Im Maria! Wanna tell tell me your name?'

Y/n shook her head no and clung up on Bucky's thigh.

Steve:„y/n go with Maria c'mon! You can see us from there too!'

She slowly stood up and they walked into the corner of the room where Maria started showing her some toys, books and all this kind of stuff.

~y/n pov~

I always looked over to my dad's who were talking to the doctor.

Maria:„y/n you must not be scared!"

I ignored her and as my dad's stood up I ran over to them.

Doctor:„get better soon little one!"

Daddy picked me up and we walked back to the car.

Steve:„y/n...what was that?"

Bucky;‚,Steve...leave her alone! She was just scared!"


Bucky;‚try not to talk ok?"

I nodded and daddy sat me down into the car.

As we arrived at the compound again they wanted to put me to bed but I didn't want to leave the couch.

Steve:„buck please bring her blankets and pillows."

He laid me down and they both stayed until I felt asleep.

I woke up as my dad's wanted to take buddy out for a run.


Bucky:‚lay back down doll! We're gonna be here soon ok?"

They walked out and I stood up.

Clint:„yeah no! You will stay here!"

He put his hands on my shoulders and led me back to the couch while turning the TV on.

Clint:„im gonna make you some tea!'

I was staring at the door the whole time until my dad's got back.

Bucky:„sweetheart you're up!'

He kissed my cheek and so did daddy.

Steve:„we got ya something!'


Bucky:„try not to talk doll! And here you go!"

They bought ice cream and I fastly ran into the kitchen to get a spoon.

Steve:„don't eat all of it and not so fast!"

I nodded and started eating again until I got a brain freeze.

Y/n:„ow! Dad!"

Bucky:„we told you to eat slower!"

It stopped and so I started eating again.

Tony:„peter stop and take it!"

He walked inside and slammed the door shut.




Tony walked over to him and gave him his pills.

Peter:„i don't need them..."

Tony:„of course you don't!'

He gave him the pills and Peter sighed loudly.

~steve pov~

Bucky took my hand and I looked at him.

Steve:„hm? what's up baby?"

Bucky:„nothing...I will just go to the toilet!"

Stucky's kid 2Where stories live. Discover now