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My voice trembled, a hint of desperation in my tone, "But are they really that upset?"

Natasha's typically no-nonsense tone softened slightly, carrying a thread of empathy, "No, not really."

My distress was palpable, my voice wavering, "But I can feel their disappointment."

Natasha's voice adopted a gentle understanding, a reassuring presence, "Y/n—"

Cutting her off, my voice cracked, desperation giving way to a heartache, "They are, Nat!"

With a sigh, Natasha responded, her voice carrying a mix of compassion and rationality, "Alright, they might be. They just want what's best for you, and they're worried."

My voice quivered, revealing vulnerability, "I'm not so sure about that."

Natasha's reassurance flowed calmly, like a soothing balm, "Trust me, they care. But let's not forget, it's been a stressful day for everyone."

Tears welled up in my eyes, and Natasha settled down beside me, producing a book from her bag, her voice becoming a gentle lullaby, "Now close your eyes, kid."

Listening to her, I allowed myself to get lost in her words, finding comfort as sleep slowly overtook me in her embrace.

~Steve's perspective~

Bucky and I entered Y/n's room with quiet footsteps, our presence carrying a mix of concern and tenderness as we wished her goodnight. As the door swung open, a poignant scene played out before us: Y/n and Natasha, cocooned in each other's arms, their vulnerability a testament to the trials they faced.

Bucky's voice was gruff but gentle, a reflection of his protective nature, "Nat, wake up. Hey..."

Natasha's eyes fluttered open, and she swatted Bucky's hand away with a sense of defiance, drawing Y/n closer protectively, a shield against the world.

My voice held a tender note, an unspoken promise of care, "Good night, Y/n."

Leaning down, I pressed a soft kiss to her forehead, a silent exchange of affection and reassurance, before Bucky and I silently slipped out of the room, leaving them to their precious moment of solace.

Morning arrived, marked by Bucky's urgent shaking, and I groggily stirred.

Bucky's tone carried a mix of frustration and urgency, "You slept through your alarm!"

My response was drowsy but unconcerned, "And that's a problem...?"

Bucky's voice grew more agitated, "Yes, because the principal called us! We should be there now!"

Shooting up, I realized the gravity of the situation and hurriedly got ready in a crisp suit, while Bucky and I drove to Y/n's school.

Y/n's voice was tinged with uncertainty, seeking reassurance, "Are you mad?"

My response carried a mix of empathy and resolve, "No! Now if they ask you what happened, tell them exactly what happened! You're the victim, not Anna! Alright?"

Her nod conveyed a mixture of agreement and anxiety, and we walked into the school building.

The principal greeted us with a veneer of politeness, his demeanor masking the gravity of the situation, "Nice to see you again!"

Bucky led Y/n to a seat, his touch a grounding force, as the principal began the inquiry.

Principal:„Alright, Y/n, I wanted to ask you what happened exactly yesterday."

She recounted the painful events, her voice carrying a mixture of hurt and frustration, while the principal perused a paper and some flyers on his desk.

Principal:„Y/n, I talked to Anna earlier, and she told me a whole different story. She said you told her that she would never keep up with you, so she pushed you."

Y/n's voice held a note of disbelief and desperation, "That's not true!"

Principal:„I don't know who to believe, so I will suspend you both from this school for a month! Here are some other schools you could take a look at, hm?"

He handed over a list of alternative schools, and I felt Bucky's grip on my arm tighten, his anger simmering beneath the surface.

My voice resonated with frustration and a sense of injustice, "I'm sorry, but that's unfair! She did nothing wrong!"

Principal:„I'm sorry, Mr. Rogers, Barnes, but the punch was the thing she did wrong!"

The tense exchange hung in the air, a clash of perspectives and a crushing weight of disappointment.

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