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Principal: The principal's face paled, finally grasping the gravity of the situation. A moment of silence hung in the air before he spoke, trying to maintain composure. "I'll... I'll handle this as delicately as possible, and if needed, we'll involve the school board. But I must warn you, there's a very real possibility of y/n facing expulsion. Please, take her home now."

Steve: His eyes widened with concern, but determination filled his voice. "You can count on us. Keep us updated!"

Daddy grabbed my arm with a firm grip, and outside the office, I could see my father and Steve engaged in a heated argument.

As I settled into the car, my eyes fixated on the scene unfolding before me. A tear escaped my eye, tracing a path down my cheek.

Y/n: My voice trembled with sorrow. "Sorry..."

Daddy's head hit the steering wheel and he sighed heavily, clearly torn between frustration and worry.

Steve: His voice hardened, trying to be stern. "Y/n, this is serious! Sorry won't cut it, okay? You can't just brush this off."

Y/n: I tried to speak up, but Steve cut me off.


My tears refused to stop, and I struggled to put on my seatbelt, feeling overwhelmed by their anger. Their support during the meeting with the principal seemed like a distant memory.

Steve: His tone became more forceful. "PUT YOUR DAMN SEATBELT ON!"

Bucky: his voice soft. " y/n please put your seatbelt on ok?"

After another long minute of crying and struggling to put the seatbelt on Steve lost it.

Steve: now screaming like never before. " PUT THE FUCKING  SEATBELT ON!"

I flinched at his words, trying my best to comply while his door slammed shut in frond of me. Steve approached, irritated, and secured the seatbelt roughly, causing fresh tears to flow.

The car ride home was filled with tense silence, and Steve couldn't help glancing back at me, his expression a mix of frustration and concern.

Steve: "Alright, enough with the tears. I don't want to see another drop. Or I will give you a reason to cry!"

I choked back a sob, feeling hurt by his lack of understanding, while Bucky, who had remained mostly quiet, shot Steve a disapproving look.

Once we arrived home, I hurriedly made my way to my room, my heart heavy with a sense of loneliness and regret.

The weight of the situation crushed my spirit, leaving me feeling like an outcast even in my own family. The uncertainty of my future at school weighed heavily on me, and I couldn't help but wish for someone to reach out, to truly see the remorse and pain I was going through.

Amidst the confines of my room, sorrow overwhelmed me, and my tears flowed uncontrollably. It was then that Peter, entered, concern etched on his face.

"Hey, I heard you crying. What's going on?" Peter's soothing voice reached my ears.

"Daddy is angry at me..." I managed to say, my voice choked with tears, seeking comfort in his embrace.

"Oh sweetie, what happened?" Peter's caring words enveloped me like a warm blanket.

I tried to explain, but my sobs drowned my words, leaving me unable to articulate the hurt and pain that plagued me.

Peter knew I needed a moment to calm down, so he left to get a cold glass of water and called for Nat to join us. When Nat arrived, she saw my injured hand and tended to it while I poured my heart out to them, apologizing profusely for whatever had transpired earlier.

Meanwhile, downstairs, a fierce argument unfolded between Steve and Bucky, two pillars of strength in my life. Bucky tried to defend me, pleading with Steve to understand the torment I endured daily due to bullying.

"Listen! Don't scream at her! It was wrong, I get it," Bucky implored, his frustration evident.

But Steve's anger seemed insurmountable, and he dismissed Bucky's efforts to mediate, escalating the tension between them. In a moment of desperation, Bucky shattered a nearby vase, a physical manifestation of the bonds breaking apart.

A surprise flicker across Steve's face, but anger soon replaced it, and he pushed Bucky against the fridge with a force that was terrifying In that instant, darkness enveloped his vision for a moment.

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