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In the silence that followed our departure, the tension was palpable, hanging heavily in the air like an unspoken weight. Our journey was short-lived, as the car suddenly sputtered to a halt, leaving us stranded on the side of the road. Steve, ever the dependable one, stepped out to investigate the mechanical failure.

As I remained seated in my child seat, the hushed voices of my father and Bucky reached my ears, carrying with them an unmistakable sense of weariness and emotional fatigue. Their words were muffled, shrouded in a veil of exhaustion.

Peering to the right, I caught a glimpse of my father, his face buried in his hands, while Bucky offered a gesture of solace—an arm draped over his shoulder, accompanied by a tender kiss on his hand. It was a display of unspoken support, a poignant moment that tugged at my heartstrings.

Summoning my courage, I stepped out of the car and regarded them with a tremulous voice, "Are you angry with me?" The question lingered hesitantly in the air, fraught with vulnerability.

A stifled sob escaped from Steve's lips, the sound echoing through the stillness, and an ache formed in my chest. He turned away, leaving my father to tend to the ailing vehicle.

In a voice barely above a whisper, I questioned further, "Is it because of me?"

Bucky's response was a delicate balance of compassion and avoidance, as he gently deflected, "Let's not discuss it right now, alright? Can't you see how somber your daddy is?"

Persisting, I pressed on, my voice quivering, "But is it because of me?"

With a heavy sigh, Bucky's restraint wavered, and his voice cracked with raw emotion, "Yes... Yes, it's because of you."

The floodgates of my own emotions burst open, tears streaming down my cheeks as I sank back into the car seat, overwhelmed by a sense of guilt that weighed me down.

Desperation tinged Bucky's voice as he reached out, "Y/n—"

I shut the car door with a resounding thud, cutting off the exchange, and I could sense Bucky's remorse, his unspoken remorse permeating the air.

As we resumed our journey, an air of despondency enveloped us once more. The absence of words was replaced by the haunting gaze of Steve, his eyes red and swollen, peering at me through the rearview mirror—an unspoken reminder of the pain that lingered, coloring the atmosphere with a bittersweet sorrow.

The day had drifted by in silence, a quiet ache that clung to the air like a shadow. But the following morning, as the sun's tentative rays peeked through the curtains, they roused me from my slumber, armed with the determination to clothe me in my finest clothes for what felt like an absurd excursion to an utterly mundane school.

Steve's voice bore a touch of optimism as he cajoled, "C'mon, flash us a grin. A smile like yours? Guaranteed to win 'em over!"

I countered, my voice tinged with the defiance only a child could muster, "But I don't wanna go, daddy! Did it even cross your minds to ask if I wanted to?"

Bucky chimed in, his words laced with a touch of accusation, "Let's not forget, kiddo, that your little stunt got you the boot."

Steve's firm command sliced through, tempering the escalating tension, "That's enough, you two. Let's not repeat yesterday's drama."

My resistance held steadfast, a trembling bottom lip accompanying my tearful retort, "I don't wanna!"

Steve tried to reason, his voice carrying a soothing lilt, "But, sweetheart—"

I interjected, desperation tainting my voice, "No, please!"

The dam of emotions burst, tears streaming down my cheeks as their arms enveloped me in a comforting embrace, a united front against the tempest that swirled within me.

Bucky's tone softened, a glimmer of compromise in his voice, "Maybe you might consider giving this new school a chance—"

Before he could finish, my protestation thundered forth, "NO! I won't ever go to another stupid school!"

Defeat hung in the air as I retreated into the bathroom, the door's decisive click a punctuation mark to their shared sighs of frustration.

Bucky's voice carried a tinge of resignation, "Alright, she won't go... but we're at a loss for options."

Steve's suggestion bore a sense of pragmatism, "Homeschooling, perhaps?"

Bucky's retort was swift, a layer of practicality woven through his words, "Homeschooling? Remember, missions, meetings—we're stretched too thin to be her teachers."

In the midst of the confusion, a tapestry of emotions swirled around us, entangling us in a complex dance of uncertainty and shared responsibility.

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