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As I stepped into the school the next day, an overwhelming sense of anxiety crept up within me, tightening its grip on my heart. Each step felt like a burden, and my mind raced with fear of facing yet another day of torment. My nerves were already on edge when I entered the cafeteria, a place that had become a battleground for my daily struggles.

The moment I walked in, it seemed like every pair of eyes turned to stare at me, their judging gazes piercing through my already fragile confidence. The weight of their judgment bore down heavily, and I felt like an outcast in my own world.

Then, like a scene out of a nightmare, Anna, the ringleader of the tormentors, hurled her mashed potatoes at me. The humiliation burned inside me like a raging inferno as everyone started laughing loudly, igniting a torrent of anger and desperation. I could no longer bear the injustice, and something inside me snapped.

Without thinking, I launched myself at Anna, my fists flying in a fit of rage. The world around me blurred as I unleashed my pent-up frustration, a mix of tears and fury clouding my vision. It was as if all the pain and humiliation I had endured over the days, weeks, and months had culminated in that one explosive moment.

The sound of my fists connecting with her face echoed through the cafeteria until everything came to a halt when the principal finally intervened. I was forcibly pulled away from Anna, but my anger had left an indelible mark on her bloodied and tear-strained face. Regret and guilt swelled within me, realizing the gravity of what I had done.

Time seemed to stretch endlessly as I waited for my fathers to arrive. The weight of their disapproval weighed heavily on my soul, and I dreaded having to face them, having to explain the uncontrollable outburst that had led to this chaos.

Finally, they arrived, their concern etched across their faces as they rushed to my side. They searched for any visible injuries, their worry evident in every gesture. The principal hesitantly tried to explain what had transpired, but my emotions were too overwhelming for me to utter a word.

Principal: leaning in, with a furrowed brow "Well, it seems like we've got quite the situation here. Care to enlighten us, y/n?"

Y/n: swallowing hard, struggling to hold back tears "I-I didn't mean to... it just... she always..."

Principal: nodding knowingly "Provoked you, yes. We heard that much. But my dear, resorting to violence is never the answer."

Y/n: voice cracking "I know, but it's like... like I couldn't control myself anymore..."

Steve:„can someone finally explain what happened?"

Principal: "Y/N beat up Anna really bad!"

Bucky: "How bad?"

Suddenly, Anna walked by, and they looked at her in shock. Her face was covered in blood, and she had clearly received stitches.

Bucky: "We are so sorry!"

Principal: "Y/N could get expelled!"

Steve: firmly "We can't just stand by and watch our child being bullied day after day! What measures have you taken to address this, Principal?"

Principal: shifting uncomfortably "We've spoken to Anna's parents, of course, but, well... they are influential figures in the community."

Bucky: exasperated "Influential or not, this is about justice and fairness! Our kid shouldn't have to suffer because of someone's status!"

Steve: clenching his fists "I can't believe the system is failing us, failing our child! We've fought supervillains together, and now we're helpless in a school?"

Principal: apologetic "I understand your frustration, but please, try to comprehend the delicate situation we're in."

Y/n: looking up, her eyes fierce with determination "Delicate situation? You mean Anna's parents can buy her a free pass to torment me?"

Principal: sighing "It's not that simple, y/n. We are trying to find a resolution that's fair to everyone."

Steve: leaning forward, his voice steely "How about a resolution that ensures our child's safety and well-being? That's all we're asking for."

Bucky: placing a comforting hand on y/n's shoulder "We won't back down until we see real change."


What should happen next? Should y/n get kicked out or not?

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