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As the day wore on, I sat on the bench, nursing my wounded knee and nursing my wounded pride. The pain in my knee paled in comparison to the turmoil within me. My gaze remained fixed on the ground, avoiding the glances and whispers of the other students.

The sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting long shadows across the field. I watched as parents gathered, congratulating their children on their victories. My own father was immersed in the festivities, seemingly oblivious to the turmoil that had unfolded.

Eventually, the sports day came to an end, and the field began to clear out. The cheers and laughter that had filled the air were replaced by a tense silence as I awaited the inevitable confrontation. My heart pounded, anxiety gnawing at me as I realized that the principal's talk with my dads was imminent.

I stole glances in their direction, watching as they conversed with the principal, their expressions growing graver with each passing moment. The sinking feeling in my chest intensified, and I felt like a mere pawn in a game beyond my control.

After what felt like an eternity, the principal approached me, his stern gaze locking onto mine. He cleared his throat, his voice tinged with a mixture of disappointment and sternness.

"Y/n, we need to have a serious conversation. Your behavior today was completely unacceptable. The physical altercation, the outburst, and the disruption you caused cannot be ignored."

My heart raced as he continued, outlining the consequences of my actions. My stomach churned with dread as I realized the severity of the situation. The principal's words hung heavy in the air, casting a shadow over any hope of redemption.

"You need to understand that there will be consequences for your actions. This behavior goes against the values we uphold in this school. Suspension is a possibility, and further disciplinary action may be taken. We will have to assess the situation thoroughly before making a decision."

Tears welled up in my eyes as the weight of his words settled over me. I had let my anger and frustration control me, and now I was facing the consequences of my impulsive actions. The future I had dreaded was becoming a reality, and it felt like my world was crashing down around me.

As the conversation came to a close, I could see the disappointment etched on my fathers' faces. They approached me, their expressions a mix of concern and reprimand. Steve's voice was gentle but firm as he spoke.

"Y/n, we're disappointed in your behavior today. We raised you better than this. It's important to learn from your mistakes and take responsibility for your actions."

Bucky chimed in, his tone equally serious. "We'll be discussing this further at home. Your actions have consequences, and you need to understand that."

With a heavy heart, I nodded, unable to meet their gaze. The walk back home was a somber one, the weight of my actions and the uncertainty of my future weighing heavily on my shoulders.

The tension in the air was palpable as we gathered in the living room, the weight of the day's events hanging heavy between us. My fathers, Steve and Bucky, exchanged a glance before turning their attention to me. Their stern expressions mirrored the seriousness of the situation, and I felt a knot tighten in my stomach.

Bucky was the first to speak, his voice firm but controlled. "Y/n, we need to talk about what happened today. Your actions were completely out of line, and we're disappointed in you."

Steve's gaze bore into me, his blue eyes reflecting a mix of concern and frustration. "We expected better from you. Physical violence and public outbursts are not acceptable."

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