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Bucky:„yeah look at it!"

I gave him the test and he chuckled.

Steve:„wow...I mean...can any six year old do that?"

Bucky:„i don't think so!"

Steve:„wait we need to go to the doctor's with her!'

Bucky:„yeah I'm gonna get dressed really quick ok?"

Steve nodded and walked downstairs to change y/n into something comfortable too.

As I walked into the garage I already heard y/n screaming and crying.

Y/n:„i want dad! DAD!"

Bucky:„what's going on?"

Y/n:„dad! I don't wanna!'

Bucky:„c'mon doll! Nothing bad will happen alright?"


Steve was struggling to hold her still and in place but I grabbed y/n's waist and made her look at me.

Bucky:„calm down doll!'

She stopped squirming around but as we were driving I heard her sniffling the whole time.

Steve picked her up and we walked over to the doctor who was talking to his secretary.

Doctor:„oh hey! I was already waiting for you!"


I turned around and saw her with tears filled eyes.

Doctor:„let's take a look at you hm?"

He stroked over y/n's arm and led us into a room.

Doctor:„well...they are swollen and bleeding a bit! We must operate her!"


Doctor:„no maybe in a few days but she must stay here."

Y/n:„no! Daddy! No! You promised! Dad!"

We followed them into the room y/n should stay for a week so me and Steve drove home to pack some stuff for her.

As we got back y/n was crying after us.


Steve;„oh baby...we are here!"

Y/n;„i wanna go home..."

Bucky;„in a week baby! No school! Yay!"

Y/n:„no I wanna go home!'

Steve:„y/n we will stay here for as long as it is allowed to stay alright? Maybe you will find new friends!"

Doctor:„yeah! A girl will be here with you she got operated on her knee so she will get here in some hours!"

Y/n;„but I wanna go home!"

Steve:„y/n listen to us! I got you some stuff including mr.cuddles and your phone!"

Bucky;„yes you can always call or text us!"

Y/n:„i wanna play with aunty Tasha!"

Steve:„you can maybe play or at least talk with the girl!"

~y/n pov~

Right after my dad's walked out the girl came into the room with her mom.

Doctor:„mia this is y/n!"

Mom:„y/n Rogers-Barnes?"

Doctor:„yes you know her?"

Mom:„of course we do! They went into the same kindergarden! You were best friends! Mia say hi!"


I said hi too and after her mom left we were just laying in our beds in silent.

Mia:„so...how are you?"

Y/n:„great...how comes that you don't go to my school?"

Mia:„well I'm going to another school!"

Y/n:„are your grades good?"

Mia:„well...it's ok! I have some problems in mathematics! And you?"

Y/n:„I had just A's...well sometimes it's hard but my dad's do help me a lot!"

Mia:„do you do any sports?"

Y/n:„horse riding and I play hockey...what about you?'


Again it got so silent that I could hear my own heartbeat but then some doctors came into the room to take a look at Mia's knee.

I texted my dad's and felt asleep until we got lunch.

Mia:„the food is gross!"

I tried it and it really didn't taste good so I didn't eat it.

Stucky's kid 2Where stories live. Discover now