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~bucky pov~

I felt bad for Steve but I couldn't do anything against it that he always played the bad cop!

As we walked out Steve stormed into our room and sat down on the bed.

Bucky:„hey uhm Steve-"

Steve;„i don't wanna hear a single word from you Barnes...really I need to be alone!'

Bucky:„steven! It's not my fault!"

Steve:„yeah good for you! Next time you and Nat can read her a goodnight story!"

Bucky:„are you jealous?"

Steve:„of what?"

Bucky:„i don't know! You tell me!'

Steve:„im not fucking jealous! And will never be of you!'

Bucky:„hey! I don't know what I did to you but calm down dude!"

I took my things and walked out of the room to sleep on the couch.

Bruce:„oh hey Barnes! Finally i found someone! Can you please test me tomorrow?"

Bucky:„what do you mean by test..."

Bruce:„i have a little medical test and well...I need to answer some questions and I need you to help me and ask me some of the questions tomorrow in the morning!"

Bucky:‚yeah sure! Now go to sleep and don't make yourself crazy!'

He chuckled and walked away.

In the morning I got woken up by the others walking downstairs.

Y/n:„dad! What are you doing here?'

Bucky:„waiting for uhm Bruce!"

He walked up to me and gave me his book.


Bruce:„well...uhm I was learning a lot so yeah!"

Bucky:„ what is Anxiogenic?"

Bruce:„it is-"

Y/n:„producing anxiety..."

Bucky:„y/n Bruce should answer- wait how do you know?"

She shrugged her shoulder while playing with buddy.

Bucky:„alright what is Anosognosia?"

Bruce:„ it's a inability to recognize a defect or disorder that is clinically evident."

Y/n:„that is right!"

We both looked at her and she giggled as buddy licked over her face.

Bucky:„y/n why do you know such things?"

Y)n:„i don't know..."

Bucky:„alright you know what? Sit down next to Bruce I'm gonna write a test for both of you and you will write the correct answers next to the questions hm?"

They nodded and some minutes later I gave them both the test.

They were writing and suddenly y/n asked:„ what is Aphthous stomatitis?..."

Bruce:„canker sores..."

Bucky:„hey! I heard you!"

They chuckled and gave me the papers.

Bucky:‚wow...I'm impressed! From both of you!"

Bruce:„you think I could make the test?"

Bucky:„ definitely! I mean you even draw little pictures to it!"

Y/n;„and mine?"

Bucky:„y/n...where do you know this stuff from? All doctors went to a medical school for this!"

Y/n:„i didn't!'

Bucky:„yeah because of that I'm so impressed!"

She smiled and I let her play around with buddy again.

Suddenly Steve came downstairs.

Bucky:„hey Steve you won't believe it-"

He walked past me and locked himself in the bathroom.

As he came out I wanted to talk to him again but he ignored me.


Everyone turned around and he sighed.

Steve:„sorry guys!"

We walked upstairs and I was so angry!

Bucky:‚I won't tolerate this Steve! I won't! Why are you ignoring me?! I did fucking nothing to you! So stop! I wanted to tell you how intelligent OUR daughter is! And you are just ignoring me! She loves us BOTH! and nothing will change that understand?! And-"

Steve:„look I was-"

Bucky;„shut up! I'm talking! Y/n was able to answer difficult medical questions and that was everything I wanted to tell you alright?"

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