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Doctor:„what do you wanna eat? I heard that you don't like the food here?"


Doctor:„i don't like it either!"

I giggled and he opened the fridge.

Doctor:„well...we have leftovers or I made myself rice with chicken so...I could give you that!'

Y/n:„but what about you?"

Doctor:„i will eat the leftovers! Maybe it's not as bad as I think!"

He warmed up the food and I ate a little bit of it.

Y/n:„im full...thank you!'


I nodded and he brought me back into my room.

Doctor:„i hope you ate enough cause tomorrow you won't eat anything because of the operation!"


Doctor:„are you scared?'

Y/n;„a little bit..."

Doctor:„you must not be scared or nervous!"

Y/n;„are you gonna operate me?"

Doctor:„i don't know."

Y/n:„please operate me!'

Doctor:„i will try to make your wish come true!"

I chuckled and I asked after his name so if he wouldn't operate me I could ask after him... Doctor Luke Patel.

I felt asleep after he walked out and as I woke up there were nurses to bring Mia food.

Nurse:„hey y/n doctor Luke Patel told us about yesterday!'


Nurse:„you can't just walk out of your room!"


They wanted to walk out but I called them back.

Y/n:„can you please tell the other doctors that doctor Luke Patel will operate me?"

Nurse:„im not sure if he will!"

Y/n:„we talked about it..."

Nurse:„we are gonna talk to the doctor's alright?"

I nodded and smiled.

This day I wasn't doing much just playing games with Mia and my dad's visited me but before dinner I started panicking, some doctors walked in but noone could help me until they called Luke Patel.

I couldn't take my meds and was so scared because they would operate me tomorrow.

Luke Patel:„hey...why are you so scared?"

Y/n;„the Operation!'

Luke Patel:„you shouldn't be scared!"

Y/n:„you won't operate me...right?"

Luke Patel:„i already have a operation tomorrow!"

I started panicking more so he told me that another doctor will take the operation and he will operate me.

I stopped and laid back down into my bed.

The next morning I got woken up by some nurses and doctors who checked my vitals.

I started crying after my dad's as they drove me into the operating room.

Nurse:„doctor Luke Patel will be there..."

I nodded and they laid me down on something that looked like a table.

Luke Patel:„alright y/n...please take deep breaths and try to relax! Are you scared of needles?"

I shook my head no and he pricked me with one.

I flinched a bit but he put his hand on my head and put the anesthesia face mask to my mouth.

Suddenly I got so tired and felt asleep.

~steve pov~

We drove to the hospital but as we walked into y/n's room she wasn't there anymore.

The nurse told us that the doctors were already operating her!

We sat down and an half hour later they put her into her room.

Bucky:„oh doll!"

Doctor Luke Patel:„hi! I'm the doctor who operated her she will be asleep for some hours so don't try to wake her up! The operation went well and when she wakes up call a nurse!"

Bucky:„thank you!'

He walked out and we sat down into chairs waiting for her to wake up.

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