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"Uncle Ocar!! We're here~!" I heard Lizzy yell as she walked through the front door. The kids didn't normally stay over on school nights but Bryan and Jessica had an important meeting early the next morning so Sam and I offered to watch them and take them to school in the morning.

"Hey, kiddo!" I called as I crouched down for her to run to me. I caught her in my arms and spun us around.

"Thanks again for watching them," Bryan said as he set Theo down next to Sam by the door.

"It's no problem at all. Just make sure to actually sleep tonight for that meeting. Just because you guys have two toddlers doesn't mean you should take advantage of the house being empty every time it happens."

"Uncle Ocar, you're house is always empty. Do you take ad-van-age?" Lizzy asked causing me to laugh.

"No, but your Uncle Sammy does," I joked causing her to giggle and point at Sam.


"Alright so now that you have a circle, you draw two big ovals at the top," I waited for them to do as I said before I continued. "Now draw a little circle at the other end, and a face under the two ovals. Now you have a bunny!" Lizzy and Theo cheered as Sam held up his drawing.

"I think I did it wrong," he pouted. Lizzy laughed at his drawing as she pointed at it. He had the body right, but the ears were on the right side, the tail inside at the bottom and the face was inside the tail.

"Sorry, Sammy but I think you need a little bit more practice," I said as he put down the drawing with a frown. "Alright kids time to get ready for bed. Go on and brush your teeth."

The kids complained but got up and went to the bathroom anyway. As they did that, I turned to Sam as he began to speak. "So I was home Friday, care to explain the noises that were coming from the living room?"

"I had a, uh, friend over," I said scratching my cheek as I looked away from him.

"A friend. Right. Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Sam, your twin and I can tell when you're lying so tell me the truth."

"I've been seeing someone," I said as I closed my eyes, I was waiting for him to freak out. When He didn't I opened my eyes to look at him.

Sam had his jaw hanging in shock, "You? Dating? An actual person?"

"What do you mean an actual person? I haven't had an anime boyfriend since high school."

He gave me a blank stare, "Dabi."

"You leave him out of this," I demanded, "My real boyfriend, Duncan. Was here, and that's what you heard."

"How long have the two of you been together?"

"We went on our first date last Saturday, but we just became official Friday."

"Damn and you say that I move too fast with guys," He teased.

"Hush, I'm not sure what it is about him. He's just different. I'm not sure what it is about him, it's like I've known him my entire life and like I know I won't have to ever let him go."

"Simp," he said over a cough as he smirked at me.


I sighed as I finally got to lay my head down on my pillow. I grinned as my phone buzzed with a text notification.


Hey I just wanted to tell you that I'm gonna be running errands on Thursday. I was wondering if you'd be cool with hanging out after.

That'd be great Cutie. How's your day been?


It's been great actually. Had really good thoughts about this great guy I've been seeing.

Oh really? Should I be jealous of this great guy?

I found it adorable that Duncan was so confident while texting but as soon as he stood in front of me, all of that went out the window. It was cute that a man over a foot taller than me would get so flustered over me, that's why I called him cutie.


Only if you want to be 😉 but I don't think you have much to worry about.

So what do you want to do on Thursday?

We texted about random things for hours until I finally fell asleep. When I woke up the next morning, I got the sweetest text from Duncan. Something he always did when I ended up falling asleep in the middle of our text sessions.


I'm sorry that I kept you up so late. You had the kids so I knew that you would be tired but I couldn't help myself. You just take over my mind when I'm not with you, you're all I can ever think about. I can't wait for Thursday and spend even more time with you. I hope you slept well ❤️

Before I could text him anything back, my bedroom door opened and the kids ran in.

"Uncle, can we watch Bluey?" Theo timidly asked as he tried to climb into my bed with his sister.

"You guys can watch TV while I cook breakfast, but you have to get dressed and brush your teeth first." They cheered and ran out of the room.

I got out of bed and made my way to the living room to turn on their show for them. As the theme song began to play, I went to the kitchen to begin breakfast.

Not too long after getting some eggs into the hot pan, I heard three sets of feet running to the living room.

"Hashbrowns or toast with eggs?" I called out to the kids.

"Hashbrowns!" Lizzy called, there was whispering, and then she added, "Theo wants toast!"

"I want both please!" Sam yelled which caused me to roll my eyes.

"Make your own food!" I said even though I started to put his bread in the toaster for him. Just as I was about to put the frozen hashbrowns in the hot skillet there were screams of fear coming from the living room.

I quickly dropped everything I was doing and ran to them. When I got there, Sammy was protectively standing in front of the kids as they all looked out the window to the backyard. When I got there I gasped in shock.

There in the backyard, was a giant wolf. You would think that living next to the forest, I'd see this a lot but there was one problem.

All of the wolves in the town were supposed to be extinct.

All of the wolves in the town were supposed to be extinct

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