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"Do you really think that we should hold another meeting about this? I'm sure that we weeded out everyone with views like that." Oscar said as we walked along the path of the pack land. After we found out about Bun, we began to take walks every morning. It was a way for us to bond and keep Oscar healthy.

"I don't want to either, I'm tired of repeating myself, but they need to know that there are no more second chances."

"I guess I'm just tired of drawing attention to the fact that there were so many people that didn't accept me before even knowing me."

"I know love, but I promise that this is the last meeting I will hold about this. You won't ever have to deal with this ag-"

Oscar cut me off as he stopped us from walking and turned toward me. "Duncan, don't promise me things that you can't know for sure. I've dealt with bigots all my life, whether they're directed at me or not. It's something I've always had to deal with. I love you and I love that you don't want me to live with hate around me, but you can't protect me from everything in the world, no one can."

I sighed and rested my head on his shoulder. "You've just dealt with so much already, more than anyone should have to. I don't want you to ever have to go through things like this again. You deserve to live a life- a happy life where you don't have to look over your shoulder worrying about someone trying to kidnap you because you're trans."

He chuckled and held my head in his hands while pulling me so we were face to face. "She did not try to have me kidnapped because I'm trans. Madison tried to have me kidnapped because she thought that you were hers. It barely had anything to do with me being born one way. If it was she would have pointed it out more while I was kicking her out in front of all those people."

"You're right, as always," I said as I rubbed my nose to his. "But I would feel better if you stayed home for the meeting tonight. Get Sammy and have a movie night, eat all the junk food, popcorn, and candy you can get your hands on. I want you to have a great time tonight, the best you've had in a long time."

"But how can I have a good time if you're not there with me?" He asked with a small fake pout.

"Sap," I said with a smile as I brought our lips together in a kiss.


"There have been far too many mandatory meetings recently so let's hope this is the last one for a while yes?" I said as I began the meeting. The crowd chuckled along with me and Luke. "Before I get to the main point of this meeting I'd like to confirm the rumors going around. Madison Young was banned from the pack. She tried to have Lunar Oscar kidnapped, which almost got Sam kidnapped as well." I paused to let the information sink in as people gasped in shock.

"Thankfully they are both here and safe, but it did lead to this meeting taking place," Luke added for me.

"This needs to be the last meeting about this topic, my mate can not take any more stress as it's not good for the pup." People nodded in the crowd as I continued. "We need to make it extremely clear that Sam and Oscar are not going anywhere."

"At this point, there should be not one person that is against our mates."

"No more meetings trying to teach you that hating others is wrong, no more second chances or anything like that. After everything that we have proven to you. Everything that Oscar and Sam have shown you about themselves. If you are still against us or have doubts then you have no place in Blue Water."

"If we find that you are spreading hatefulness, or speaking ill of our mates you will be banned instantly, no 'if's, 'and's, or 'but's. So if you have any doubt in your mind that you don't believe in our mates, or have a thought that they don't belong here, then you need to leave by choice. Being banned is not something that another pack will overlook." Luke was serious in his words and left no room for argument, as an Alpha I was very proud, as a friend I was even prouder.

"With that said, I hope each and every one of you has a great and safe night. Thank you very much for coming tonight. Meeting dismissed."

I smiled at Luke as we stepped off the stage and began our walk to the pack house. "How much of a sugar high do you think the boys have right now?" He asked as the soft sound of the forest rang through the air.

"Sam is probably bouncing off the walls by now. I just hope that Oscar didn't eat too much candy, he already has trouble sleeping at night with Bun always pressing on his bladder. I don't know how he doesn't complain more,  having an extra pound and a half coming out of his stomach. I know I wouldn't be able to function."

"At least he's human, you don't have to deal with him complaining about not being able to shift," Luke said with a groan causing me to laugh.

"You do know that your mate is also human, right?" He shoved me with a laugh.

"Of course, but I also know that my mate will complain a lot more than yours when he does get pregnant."

"Which will hopefully be soon," I added with a smile. "You know those boys would love to have our kids grow up together." I stopped walking when Luke gasped loudly and slapped my arm.

"Dude! We are brothers!!" I looked at him confused so he added, "Your mate is my mate's twin. Which means that your mate is my brother-in-law, which technically makes us brothers." I shook my head at him and grabbed him by the back of the head to pull him under my arm and rub my knuckles into his scalp.

"We were already brothers, dumbass. This is just another way to prove it." I laughed as he tried to escape from my grasp, but I let go when he harshly jabbed me in the kidney.

Before I could grab him he took off running toward the house, yelling behind him, "If you want payback you'll have to catch me before I get to the twins."

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