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As Bryan left I let my panic show, my breathing began to pick up and my grip on Duncan tightened. My mind began to race with all the things that could've gone wrong with my parents coming to town.

I knew that I wasn't showing at the moment, but who knows how much the baby would grow in a month. My being pregnant wouldn't do anything to help my parents view me as a man.

My breathing and thoughts slowed down as Duncan slowly rubbed my back and guided me to sit on the couch. "What's wrong baby?" He asked worriedly. It was then that I realized that I had never explained how I left home.

I sighed sadly and looked up at Sam. "Do you think you guys could go out and grab us some lunch?" The look I gave Sam had him nodding quickly as pushed Luke out the door with him.

Once the door was closed I turned to look at Duncan. He smiled at me and gave my hand a squeeze.

"I really don't like talking about this. It's some of the worst memories I have, I would much rather forget about them. But no matter how hard I try, they are a permanent resident in my head." I started as I looked down at my lap.

"Hey," Duncan gently grabbed my chin in his hand and lifted my head to look into my eyes. "No matter what you have to tell me, it will change nothing about how I feel about you. You are my mate. I'm sorry to say but you're stuck with me, baby."

"If there is one word that best describes my parents, that word would be religious. The names they chose names for Sam and me from the bible, the only reason Byran isn't named after something in the bible is because he's named after our grandpa. Because my parents are so religious, they were less than thrilled when I didn't enjoy things a 'normal' little girl would."

Duncan nodded at my quotations around the word.

"I always knew that I was different, but I didn't know exactly how until I was 16, that was when I found out I was trans. But because I didn't know how they'd react, I feared for my safety. I didn't come out until I turned 20, after Sam and I had left. They were awful, they didn't try to do anything to change my mind, they just ignored me. It was like every time I visited I would have to come out all over again. They made me feel like I was the least important thing in their lives, that they cared more about their image than my will to live. So, I gave them an ultimatum either they start using my name and pronouns and accept me as their son, or they lose me. They refused so a year after I came out, I cut them off and told them that I wanted nothing to do with me. That if they didn't want to view me as their son, then they can view me as a stranger instead." I sighed sadly and looked away from him.

He gently grabbed my hands and squeezed them. "Do you want a small distraction while we wait for Sam and Luke to get back or do you just want to cuddle?"

"Both?" I asked as I turned toward him and wrapped my arms around his torso as he leaned back to lay down with me on top of him.

"When we met, I told you that my parents were on vacation. That was a lie. I didn't want to tell you the truth because I didn't want to risk you asking a question that I wasn't ready to answer."

"Well, what's the truth where are they?"

"My parents are dead. After my dad died, my mom went with him roughly a week later. Mates almost never live very long after losing their partner. My dad," He sighed. "You know that he was not a good person, I've told you enough about him for you to know that. Well, about two years ago, someone tried to assassinate him and they were almost successful. So successful in fact, that if I didn't do what I had, someone else would be alpha right now."

"What did you do?"

"First I should say that if a person kills an alpha, that makes them the alpha of that pack. My dad was on his last leg, literally moments away from dying. In order to keep our family as the alpha family, I killed my dad. Dr. James was there as a witness. And before you ask, yes we knew who tried to kill my dad and they were taken care of after I took over. The rest of the pack doesn't know about the assassination or me killing him, they only know that he died in his sleep. Luke, Dr. James, and Jacob are the only ones that know the truth, and now you do too."


I must had fallen asleep while laying on Duncan because I jerked awake to the sound of the front door slamming shut. "Jesus, how long have you guys been gone?" I asked as I sat up, looking at the dark sky through the window. From the look of their clothes and hair, they were busy with more than just getting food.

"Sorry, Oscar. We got a little... distracted." Luke said as he set down the bags of food on the kitchen counter.

"Right, 'distracted' at least tell me to food isn't cold," Duncan said as he got up to get his and my food, which was thankfully not cold.

As the boys were getting our food ready, Sam sat down next to me.

"I know what you're thinking. But I don't know why they're looking for me. You know that I left the same way you did. I haven't talked to them since you cut them off."

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