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Parents were never the type of people that liked me. My father thought that I was never good enough in anything and my mother thought I was too antisocial to be an alpha. Other parents around Blue Water basically shunned me because they didn't want me to share things with my father.

So it was easy to say that I wasn't looking forward to meeting Oscar's parents to begin with. But adding on all of the awful things that Oscar had to grow up with because of them, it wouldn't take much for me to get angry with them.

I looked up as someone knocked on my office door, I was trying to distract myself with some paperwork until the parents arrived. I smiled as Oscar's scent flowed into my nose.

"You know you don't have to knock to come in here," I said as Oscar walked into the room and came to sit on my desk next to me.

"Of course I do, I don't want to interrupt a meeting you may be having with someone." He said in a tone that made it seem obvious.

I shook my head lightly and gently held his face in my hand as I looked at him fondly. "I told you before. Nothing is ever going to be more important than you. I don't care if I'm in a meeting with the President, if you need me, I'll drop them in a second."

He smiled back at me and turned his head to nuzzle his face into my hand. "I was coming in here to tell you that they're almost here. Bryan just called me and said that they were about to pull onto the road." He said, referring to the private dirt road that led to the pack house. It was technically a driveway, but with how long it was it was easier to call it a road.

I sighed sadly and moved my chair so I was in front of Oscar, I wrapped my arms around his middle and nuzzled into his stomach. I smiled and cooed at Bun. "I was hoping that we could put it off a little longer. But it looks like we are getting it over with sooner than later."

"The sooner we get it done, the sooner we can focus on us and our baby girl." He said with a forced smile. With how worried I was about the meeting, I could only imagine how Ocscar was feeling about it.

"Then we better get down stairs, the sooner this meeting is over, the sooner we can get into bed and cuddle." I said while standing up.


I opened the front door of the pack house with a smile. "Bryan, good to see you again." I said to him as I reached a hand out for him to shake. He did, then he looked at the two people he stood with.

"Hey man, Let me introduce you guys." He said as he gestured to his parents. The man was tall, almost as tall as me, he had gray hair with sprinkles of black. He was wearing an off white dress shirt and black dress pants. The woman was just a few inches shorter than him, she had blonde hair that looked to be dyed regularly. She wore a simple white sundress and sandals. "This is my Father, Zachariah, and my Mother Theodora. Mom, Dad, this is Oscar's fiance, Duncan." The two of them all but stuck up their noses at me as I gestured them to come inside.

"It's nice to meet you two," I said as politely as I could as I watched them move further into the living room where the twins were. I quickly followed and took my seat on the couch next to Oscar. The placement of everyone was the same as when we talked to Bryan. Luke, Sam, Oscar and I were on the couch, but Bryan was standing to the right side of the couch as their parents refused to sit.

They looked down at Sam with looks that only read worry and relief. "Samual, thank goodness we found you." Theodora said as she tried to grab his hand, Sam quickly pulled away with a frown. He moved closer to Luke as he wrapped his arm around Sam protectively. "Who is this?"

"Like I told you on the phone. This is my husband, Luke."

Zachariah's gaze quickly moved to Oscar as he glared. "This is your doing isn't it Shiloh?" Oscar flinched at the way he spoke, like he was spitting venom when he said Oscar's deadname. "You've always done this. Bringing your brother down. Just because you want to be different and don't want to fix yourself doesn't mean that you need to make your brother do the same. The two of you being twins doesn't mean you have to do everything together. If you want to drag yourself down, fine, but leave your brothers out of it."

I glared at him and looked at Oscar, I gently squeezed his hand in mine, silently asking permission. He slightly looked up at me and smiled as he ever so slightly nodded his head. I smiled at him and kissed the side of his head before I stood up.

"Who the hell do you think you are? Do you really think it is acceptable to come into another person's home and insult them? These are your children, how can you have any reaction other than happiness when you learn one of them is married?"

"I wouldn't expect you to understand, you don't have children." Thoedora calmly said with a smile. "You seem like a very nice young man and I'm glad that my daughter has-" I cut her off quickly.

"Son. He is your son, his name is Oscar and he is amazing. I feel so bad for you that you don't want to learn about the kind, smart, brave, talented person he is. Did you know that he has sold over 150 paintings since moving here three years ago? He is the love of my fucking life and I can't sit here while you insult him and think of him as anything but what he is, which is amazing." I turned to Oscar and gently tilted his head so we made eye contact. "I couldn't ask for a more perfect mate." He had tears in his eyes as he smiled up at me. I leaned down so I could press my forehead against his and closed my eyes.

"Mate?" Zachariah asked, confused causing my eyes to snap open.

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