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Laying down with Duncan had to be the most favorite part of my day. It felt like when I got pregnant, those parts of my day grew even more as my favorite. I loved feeling Duncan's hands rest on my small bump.

I looked at my bump with concern and rested my hands over Duncan's.

"Do you think my bump is too small?" I asked. I was two and a half months along in my six-month pregnancy. I knew that I wasn't going to have a huge stomach by the third month, but I was still concerned. I looked about three months pregnant by human standards.

"You're perfect, sweetheart." He smiled at me and kissed my forehead sleepily.

"Duncan, I'm serious. We need to go to Dr. James. I have a bad feeling."

It may have just been my imagination or my anxiety telling me that something was wrong. But there was no way that I was going to risk Bun by ignoring my instincts. Duncan sighed and sat up, he looked at me and smiled. "If it will help you feel better, I'll set up a meeting with Dr. James. But can we finish our nap before we leave?"

I nodded and watched as Duncan's eyes glazed over as he mind linked Dr. James to set up the meeting. Once he was done I smiled up at him and help my arms out. I sighed happily as I nuzzled Duncan's hair as he laid his head on my chest. It was a little awkward laying that way because Duncan's body contorted around me to avoid laying on my stomach, but it was the best way to nap.


"Hello again, Lunar Oscar." I smiled at Dr. James from the exam table I sat on. "Alpha Duncan filled me in on what some of your concerns are so let me start this off by saying this. You are right to have concerns, every person that has ever been pregnant has had concerns. I hear you, so let's get to the bottom of this, yeah?"

I smiled as tears welled in my eyes, I felt my throat close as I tried to hold back my tears. Duncan was at my side in a second, holding my hand and rubbing my back. It's not like Duncan wasn't supportive during the pregnancy, he was amazing. But it still meant a lot to hear that I wasn't worrying over nothing from a doctor.

"Alright, now just to be absolutely sure. Let's get some pictures of that healthy baby." I nodded as Duncan helped calm my breathing. I laid down and lifted my shift from my stomach.

I flinched at the ice-cold gel she squeezed onto my stomach before pushing it around with the wand. I sighed in relief once Bun's heartbeat flowed through the room.

"Yup, just as we thought. A healthy-sized baby, would you like to know the sex?"

"Before you answer, please remember that I am able to have access to her mind," Duncan said causing me to laugh and nod.

"The two of you are going to have a baby girl." I smiled up at Duncan as he squeezed my hand, a smile of his own on his face. My mind began to race with things that I could get for her and how I was going to set up her room.

After Dr. James took some pictures and cleaned my stomach off I sat up. "Before you go, Lunar, I want to tell you that you truly have nothing to worry about. Carrying the pup of an alpha comes with many perks, one of them being that the chances of something going wrong is 2%. Alpha blood is an extremely strong and powerful thing. Pups of alphas that were born two months early have been known to be perfectly fine in days."

"And my shots couldn't have anything to do with her being small?" I asked.

"Lunar Oscar, I promise that Alpha Duncan's blood would easily overpower any side effects your shots could possibly give the baby. She is just on the smaller side. Now, doctors' orders: no more unnecessary worrying. You just focus on getting things ready for when your little girl comes home."


"So do you want to change anything about Bun's room before she comes?" Duncan asked as we slowly made our way back to our apartment in the pack house.

I smiled and shook my head. "No, I want to keep it yellow. And I still want to get a variety of clothes. I don't want to force our daughter into a box. Until she is able to tell us how she wants to dress I want to show her that as long as she's happy and comfy, it doesn't matter."

"I couldn't have said it better myself, sweetheart." Duncan smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist, he stopped our walking and pulled me into a tight hug. "You are going to be the best dad ever." He whispered.

"I can't hold that title if you're the one that's going to be the best dad," I whispered back happily.

Who We Becomeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें