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I was thankful that I didn't have to worry about people coming to my home for once. It felt like I had done that too many times in the past week. But thankfully all the serious talks were done, all of my family knew about werewolves and about my Bun and Sam's peanuts.

I had been ecstatic when I learned that Sam and Luke were having twins. Although there was a part of me that was worried Bun would become a third wheel in relation to the twins. I knew that growing up, Sam and I only had each other but because we chose that, it was simpler when it was just the two of us. I didn't want Bun to feel like she didn't belong or wasn't a part of the family.

I smiled as Duncan pulled the car to a stop in front of Bryan and Jessica's house. They lived in a nice two story house that was about a twenty minutes drive from the pack house. The house was light blue and seemed to always be decorated every month with a different theme. That month the house was covered in pride flags, due to it being June.

Duncan quickly got out of the car and walked around to open my door for me. Sam, who was in the backseat with Luke said, "What a gentleman, I wish someone would open my door for me." as he poked Luke in the side.

Luke chuckled and leaned over to whisper something in Sam's ear that I couldn't hear. Whatever it was it made Sam's face go pink as he glared at Luke.

I turned to Duncan who happily helped me out of the car. "Are you excited?" He asked as he wrapped his arm around me to rest his hand on my bump.

"I'm always excited to see Lizzy and Theo but other than that there's nothing to be excited about. I just hope that we can make these dinners a regular thing." I said as Sam and Luke got out of the car.

Once we were all ready, we began walking to the front door. Before any of us could knock, it swung open to reveal Lizzy. "Donut!" She yelled as she jumped onto Duncan like she would me. When we told her about Bun we made a deal that she could jump on Duncan because she couldn't jump on me.

"Hey kid, are you ready for dinner?" Duncan asked as Lizzy started to swing on his arm. He slowly led us into the house as Lizzy climbed onto his shoulders.

"Yes!" She shouted, "Mama hasn't let us eat anything all day." Jess widened her eyes as we came into the kitchen.

"Now little miss, don't go spreading lies. Just because I didn't let you eat fruit snacks two minutes ago doesn't mean I'm starving you."

It wasn't long before we were all seated at the dinner table. Food was set out beautifully on the table as we all started to dish it out on our plates. Well everyone except for Sam, the kids, and me. Duncan and Luke refused to let us lift our fingers to get our own food, it was sweet. The kids just needed help because, well, they're kids.

"So, does anyone have good news to share?" Bryan asked as we all began to eat. Sam perked up and raised his hand as he finished a bite of food.

"Luke and I are going to be getting our own place. Mostly because people are complaining about how loud we can be but also because we are having twins!" Bryan and Jess congratulated them as Lizzy spoke up.

"Do you guys watch movies too loud?"

"What?" Luke asked.

"Uncle Sam said that you guys have to move 'cause you guys are loud. Do you guys watch loud movies?"

"Um," He said as he looked up at Bryan who held up his hands in surrender. "Yeah, we like loud movies."

"Does anyone else want to share anything?" Duncan asked as he looked at Bryan expectedly causing me to raise a brow.

"Actually we do," Jessica said, "We are going to have another baby!"

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