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After crying, Oscar ended up passing out from exhaustion. Even though his eyes were puffy and red, he looked peaceful as he slept with his hands tucked under his chin. It gave me time to think.

I had never thought about how much living here could've affected him. I thought trying to teach my pack was the right thing to do, but at the cost of my mate? Nothing is worth jeopardizing Oscar's mental health, but there was only so much I could do to try and help him.

My thoughts came to a stop as Oscar began to stir from his sleep. I watched as Oscar stirred awake, he blinked his eyes open and smiled up at me. "I've been thinking, what if we just leave?"

"Like get away for a little bit?" He asked as he began to sit up. I shook my head and smiled at him.

"Like we leave and never come back," I said causing his eyes to grow wide.

"But what about the pack? You're the Alpha. And my brother! I can't just leave him."

"Sam and Luke can come with us. I don't care about being Alpha. No pack is worth the stress that you are dealing with. You are more important, if I have to choose between them and you, I choose you every time."

"T-there has to be someone here you want to stay for. What about your parents?"

"Oscar. Why are you so insistent that we stay here? You just spent an hour crying because people here still haven't accepted you."

"I-it's just-" He sighed, "I didn't want to tell you this until later. I had a whole dinner planned and everything."

"Tell me what?"

"Well, these last couple of days I've been feeling different. I've been feeling sick, certain smells gross me out, and my stomach is getting pudgy and squishy." He took my hands in his. "I know it's crazy, but I took a test. Duncan, I'm pregnant." He said with a small smile.

"What?! A-are you sure?!" I asked as Rae cheered loudly in my head.

"I took seven tests." He said as he glared at me playfully.

"I'm gonna be a dad!" I cheered loudly as I tackled Oscar back down into the bed. I kissed his lips then his forehead, his nose, and then all over his face. I placed my hand on his stomach and grinned at him. "We're gonna have a baby."

I paused when Oscar said nothing in return. Looking at him, I saw that he wasn't smiling with me, he wasn't frowning either; he was just neutral.

"What's wrong? Are we not happy about this?"

"No, I am happy. I'm just surprised, I thought I couldn't get pregnant. But I am very happy that I get to carry your child. I just don't know how this will go over with the pack. A lot of them already don't believe that I'm a guy, this won't help."

"So, what do you want to do?" I asked as I grabbed his hand and smiled at him.

"Let me do some research before we make an announcement. I don't want anyone other than us to know about this yet. Sam and Luke can know, we'll need some support with this."

"Goddess, I can't wait to meet our little spawn," I said causing him to burst into a fit of laughter.

"We are not calling it spawn." He said between the giggles.

"Well if you're so smart, what should we call it?" I asked as I shook my head. I watched as he looked at his still-flat stomach, he smiled and took my hand in his, and rested them on his stomach.


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