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"Congratulations again. I hope you enjoy the gift basket," I said as I exited the home of the Penmans. They had just had their firstborns, twins.

Gift baskets were something that I put in place very soon after I became Alpha. My father always put fear into people and never treated them fairly. I wanted to show that I was different so, I made the gift basket system. There were baskets for five occasions; newly mated couple, joining the pack, getting a new job, having a child, and the loss of a family member.

I'd get news of these occasions through my paperwork, aside from a new pack member. I didn't need paperwork to notify me of that. It was a good system, each basket had a letter that was put on a whiteboard in my office with the name of the person.

I smiled as I made my way to the pack house. The wind blew in my hair in a soft breeze. I stopped walking when I heard a voice shout my name.

"Duncan!" I turned to see Madison running toward me.

Oh great. What now? Rae groaned.

"Yes Madison, is something wrong?" I asked once she had made her way next to me.

"I was just wondering if you were free this weekend. Do you want to go on a date?" She asked as she batted her eyelashes at me.

"Excuse me?" I growled.

She smiled and bit her lip, not sensing the anger that was growing in me. "Well, I just didn't know if you had plans this weekend. I didn't want to make reservations without knowing when you're free."

"No. Madison. I mean. Why the hell are you asking me on a date when you know damn well that I have a mate. I announced the news to the whole damn pack."

"There is no mark on that neck of yours. I know it's an old view but there is a reason we keep ourselves hidden from humans. They don't belong with us." She said, pointing at my neck while batting her eyelashes at me.

"Enough. This is your first and final warning. Oscar is my mate, not you. You will let go of this little crush you have on me or I will kick you out of the pack." I sternly said as I began to walk away.

Who the hell does she think she is?

I know it was one thing for her to think she was my mate before we found Oscar. But now?


I nodded in agreement as I started to walk up the stairs of the pack house.

"I'm back!" I called out as I entered my apartment on the top floor of the pack house. Oscar had been staying with me for that week. It was so nice to see a glimpse of our future together.

I frowned when I didn't hear a reply, I was sure he was there based on the scent. I walked further into the apartment and smiled when I heard movement from the bedroom.

Walking into the bedroom I was met with the sight of a lump in the bed. I slowly pulled the blankets up and crawled into bed next to my mate. "Why are you all curled up, whats wrong?" I asked as I brushed the hair away from his face.

"I'm just tired," he began, "it's been a long day."

"What happened?" I asked as I ran my hands through his hair.

"It's been over a month since Sam and I were introduced to the pack. I don't understand why it's so hard for people just to respect others." Tears began to flow into his eyes.

"What do you mean?" I asked worriedly as I brought him into my arms and rubbed his back.

"There are still pack members that don't respect me. They say I don't belong here, and call me sick and freak."

"Who? Tell me and I'll deal with it. They will never bother you again."

"They didn't tell me their name. But they said something about me needing to leave their mate alone. I don't even know what that means. I don't talk to anyone here."

"I'll look into it, love. I will do whatever it takes."

"This is why I only tell people that need to know. I just want to be seen as me, not who I had to pretend to be for so many years. It's like they look at me and all they ever see is the person they think I should be. The first eighteen years of my life were hell because I wasn't living as myself, it's why I moved away as soon as I could." He pulled away from my chest and looked me in the eyes. "Duncan, I'm not sure how much longer I can live like this."

"What?" I asked as my heart sank in my chest. Oscar quickly shook his head and cupped my cheeks in his hands.

"No no. Duncan, I love you, and I love being with you. Being here in the forest is amazing, it's a place I've always wanted to live. What I mean is, it is so exhausting having to fight every day to prove that there is nothing wrong with me."

I smiled sadly and brought our lips together in a kiss. "I promise, I will fix this. I promise a day is coming when you won't have to fight."

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