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Going to the doctor was something that I was never good with. I either waited too long in between appointments and had to pay for things that could've been avoided with earlier visits. Or I made appointments too close together and spent money I could've saved. So easy to say baby check ups were one of the big things I was worried about. Thankfully I had Luke to help me.

He was so wonderful and we had only known about the baby for three weeks. When I told him that we were going to have a baby, after celebrating, the first thing he did was get a planner out. He started keeping a calendar for all our appointments, he even kept track of anything and everything the doctor might have needed to know. It was sweet but it didn't feel like it when he would ask me as soon as I left the bathroom what I did.

Luke was the best, and it was very cute seeing him carry around the binder when we went to see Dr. James. He even had a tote bag that said 'Outta my way, I'm a busy Papa'. I really loved that he was so into being a Dad and the baby was nowhere near due.

I nervously squeezed Luke's hand as we walked to Dr. James' office. It was our first check up since finding out we were having a baby. I was so nervous but Luke was ecstatic, he had his binder ready and even had questions written down.

"Beta Luke, Sam! Welcome. I'm so glad to hear that the two of you are pregnant. Please come in, I've cleared a few hours to give you my full attention." Dr. James said as we walked into her office. I smiled at her and we followed her to an exam room.

"So let me just gather some information before we get started. Roughly how far along do you think you are?"

"Three or four weeks?" I said as I got on the table, the paper crinkled under me.

"Alright, any issues so far with the pregnancy?" She asked and I shook my head. "Perfect, now let's get a look at that baby, yeah?"

Luke made his way to my bedside as I nodded quickly. I pulled up my shirt and grabbed Luke's hand tightly. Dr. James slowly rolled the ultrasound machine into the room causing my stomach to twist.

The gel was very cold as she squirted it onto my stomach and it felt colder as she pushed it around with the wand. I sighed happily at the soft sound of the baby's heartbeat. It was weird and sounded nothing like what they show in the movies. It sounded like there were two heartbeats but the other had to be my own.

"What's that face? You're making a face." Luke demanded, causing me to look away from my stomach and stare at Dr. James.

She was looking at the machine screen with shocked eyes. "I'm sorry, it's just surprising. As you know, Sam, you are the only born male pregnant person I'm treating right now or have ever treated for that matter. Before you and your brother came here, I didn't even know something like this was possible, let alone this." She said as she pointed at the screen.

"Will you stop explaining and just tell us what you see?" I demanded as my mind began to race with all the things that could be wrong with the baby.

She nodded and smiled as she turned the screen to face us. I looked at it but couldn't see anything, just two- "The two of you are having twins." She announced happily. She pointed at two peanut shaped black blobs. "This right here is baby one," she said pointing to the peanut at the top. "And this is baby two," she pointed at the peanut on the bottom.

"Luke," I said without looking away from the screen. "Luke, we are having two babies." I looked at him to see him staring at the screen with wide eyes.

"Do you think we tried too hard? Did we have too much sex?" Luke mumbled, causing Dr. James to laugh and me to slap his chest.

Dr. James took a few pictures and then cleaned off my stomach. "Twins can happen with one mating so no, the two of you didn't have too much sex. Although that does make me ask this question, how often do the two of you have intercourse?"

Luke scratched the back of his neck and looked away while saying, "maybe a few times a week." Causing me to roll my eyes and look at her.

"At least once a day, sometimes more." I then looked at Luke and said, "Don't lie to the Doctor."

"Alright, well while the pregnancy continues you will definitely need to cut back on that. Twins can be difficult to carry to full term, especially for higher ranking members of the pack. Because your mate is a beta, your pregnancy should last 6 or 7 months. But while the babies grow they may not have enough room once we get past 5 months. Our goal will be to keep them in there for as long as possible. That means as little exertion as possible, so a lot less sex alright Dad?" She said looking at Luke but frowned when I groaned.

"Come on. Seriously." I demanded as I looked at my stomach and pouted. "I'm about to give you the gift of life and you take my sex away."

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