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I woke up from the best sleep I had ever gotten. Who knew that great sex led to great sleep. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I turned to look at the other side of the bed. I expected to see Duncan but frowned at the cold empty bed.

Slowly I got out of bed, got dressed in pants and a sweatshirt, and went to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror, I was shocked that I didn't look worse. Hickies littered down my neck, I pulled the collar of the shirt to see they went down my chest too. There was a deep bruise on my neck, Duncan's mark would take a while to heal.

I smiled as I made my way to the kitchen, the noise of pots and pans clanging rang in my ears. When I got to the kitchen, I saw Duncan at the stove and Sam standing at the counter, glaring at him.

"Good morning," I said as I began to get my coffee.

Duncan turned to me and grinned, "Good morn-"

"Care to explain what last night was about?" Sam demanded while interrupting Duncan. I turned to him and frowned. "I was woken up last night. Right around the time the two of you started screaming about filling."

My eyes widened as my face turned red. "W-well, last night I decided that I was ready," I said as I rubbed my neck, Sam glanced toward the movement and his eyes widened.

"What the hell did you do?!" He screamed at Duncan, if looks could kill he would've been dead. Duncan remained calm but took a step back. I could tell by his eyes that he didn't like being yelled at, or having to step back.

"I left some hickies. I-"

"Hickies?! This is not a hickey, this looks like you tried to take a fucking chunk of his neck!"

"Sam, it's fine." I began as I put a hand on his shoulder. "I promise, everything that happened was consensual- including the bite."

"Are you sure you're alright?" Sam asked softly as he looked at me.

"Of course. Duncan would never do anything to hurt me. The bite doesn't even hurt. So let's just eat breakfast."

To say breakfast was awkward would've been an understatement. Sam wouldn't stop glaring at Duncan, he barely touched his food, no doubt because Duncan was the one that made it.

Once we were done eating, Duncan and I made our way back to my room. I smiled at him happily as I closed the door behind us. "Hi," I said awkwardly.

"Hi baby, did you get enough sleep? Sore anywhere?" He began to talk as we slowly got into the bed together. "I'm sorry I wasn't in here when you woke up, I wanted to bring you breakfast in bed."

"I slept great, and I'm surprisingly not sore anywhere. Even my mark doesn't hurt." I said as I moved my head to the side to show him my neck. He smiled at me and moved his hand to run over the mark gently. The contact made a shiver run down my spine. "Anything special I should know about my mark?"

"A few things, yeah. First, don't let anyone else touch it. As I said before werewolves are very protective, our marks are what link us together, and it's a symbol of our bond. Second, try not to cover it up, clothes are fine but patches and bandages aren't. Covering up a mark is seen as being ashamed of your mate. Lastly, the mark is like a pleasure spot, another reason why you shouldn't let others touch it. It's very sensitive, and if played with right it can make you, um, finish almost instantly."

"Really?" I asked as my hand subconsciously moved to rest over my mark causing him to laugh.

"Yes, but just the hand hasn't been known to do anything. Mostly kissing and biting. I've been told that remarking is an out-of-body experience." His tone dropped as he moved closer to me.

My heart began to pick up in speed as his breath hit my neck. I happily tipped my head back to give him access to my neck. My breathing became rapid as I felt his lips graze against my mark.

My shoulders tensed as I began to laugh loudly as Duncan blew raspberries onto my upper neck. We both laughed as he sat up to look at me.

"So when will I be able to mark you?" I asked after I caught my breath. The question made his face fall.

"Werewolves have very fast healing capabilities. Most scratches heal within minutes. To mark a werewolf, mating venom is needed to make the bite permanent." He gently rubbed his hand up and down my side in comfort.

"Okay?" I asked as I moved closer to him.

"Oscar, because you're human you don't have mating venom. I won't be able to have your mark."

"B-but how will people know that you're taken, that you're with me?"

"They'll know in other ways; scent, how I act, the pack already knows because I told them about you. Werewolves and humans get mated all the time, so this isn't a new thing for us, alright?"

I nodded sadly. I understand what he meant. His body literally couldn't keep my mark, but just because I understood it doesn't mean that I liked it. I had Duncan's mark on my neck but I would've given anything to put mine on his.

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