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I paced nervously as I waited backstage in the meeting room. Oscar and Duncan had told everyone to meet up but they hadn't shown up yet. It had been almost twenty minutes since they had linked everyone. I had only been to a few pack meetings but I knew that Duncan was a very on-time person, so to say I was worried would be an understatement.

I sighed in relief as Duncan and Oscar walked through the door. "What the hell took you guys so long? You had me worried sick!" I scolded them as I pulled Oscar into a hug.

"I'm sorry, we were just getting pictures of Bun," Oscar said like it wasn't a super important milestone- which it was!

"Let me see! Let me see!" I shouted but quieted down once Lucas placed his hand on my shoulder. I watched as Duncan pulled out his wallet- why would he have a wallet when he doesn't even go into town?- and pulled out the ultrasound pictures. I looked at the pictures in excitement to see my future nibling. I opened my mouth to ask questions, but Duncan held up his hand.

"Let's do the meeting before we talk more about this. Backstage isn't exactly soundproof." I nodded at Duncan's words and handed him back the photos.

Duncan and Oscar walked onto the stage as Luke and I followed behind them. The room's chatter slowly died down as Duncan took his place on center stage.

"Thank you all for coming," Duncan began. "Let me start this meeting off by saying that my father was not accepting man. We know this based on how he acted and with the information that he had been withholding from us." People began to look at one another in confusion. "My mate and his twin have been spending the last few days in the library. They've been researching new books that had just been delivered and the online catalog, and they've found some amazing news. Same-sex mates can have pups, there have been cases of this for years now."

The pack began to speak in confusion, most in amazement, but some in disbelief. They quieted down as Duncan raised his hand, he nodded and pointed to someone in the front row. A woman stood up, she had long, straight black hair and big glasses. She was also wearing what looked to be a lab coat. "How is this possible? I've been the pack's doctor for years and have never heard of a case like this."

"Dr. James, thank you for asking." Oscar answered, "A case like this was never in this pack due to the old alpha and his close-minded views. But the process is quite fascinating."

After Oscar explained the process, Duncan spoke up again. "If after learning this information that proves there is no reason to think that we are wrong- that the Goddess made a mistake. If you are still against us after this, then there is no changing your mind and you need to leave. Any person after this meeting that makes any type of disrespectful comment to or about my mate or Luke's mate will be kicked out immediately."

There were one or two people in the crowd that silently got up and left. Duncan nodded with a sad smile, "Alright that is it for this meeting-" He stopped as Oscar placed a hand on his arm and nodded. Duncan placed a hand on Oscar's lower back and guided him to take his spot.

"Before we end this meeting, Duncan and I have some news to share." He began with a smile, "After we learned about pregnancies between two males, I started to notice some symptoms I was having. and well," He paused and looked at Duncan with a smile.

"We have a pup on the way!" Duncan cheered happily causing the crowd to erupt into applause.

I watched happily as they ended the meeting and got off the stage to mingle with the pack. I smiled up at Luke as we walked off the stage. "So since we know that we are able to have kids, is that something that you want?" I asked as Luke placed a hand on my lower back to guide me.

"Yeah, it'd be nice to see what our kids would look like." He answered with a smile.

I turned to him and smiled while placing a hand on his chest, "Well, we could always get started now."

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