41 | five things I like about myself

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"Write down five things you like about yourself, then read them." Jungkook and Taehyung exchanged a few glances, clearly hesitant. "Come on! Jungkook, you need to boost your ego before the contest. And Taehyung... you like to praise yourself. Anyway, just do it!"

In no time, the boys began their task. Since I wanted to be fair, I'd decided to join the effort and do my own list. Seven minutes later, it was time for us

"I'll go first." Taehyung cleared his throat and brought the piece of paper close to his face "First, I'm gorgeous."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. I, on the other hand, nodded in agreement.

"Two, I have beautiful hair." True that! "Three, my dog."

"Oh, you have a dog?" My classmate and I asked at the same time.

Taehyung nodded rather proudly. "Four, I can play the saxophone."

Both surprised, Jungkook and I exchanged an impressed look.

"Last but not least: I despise pedophiles."

"Huh... isn't that common sense?"

The oldest shook his head no. "You would think it is, but no. Do you know how many people let pedophiles live the great life as long as they're rich and, or famous?"

"Yeah, can't deny that." Jungkook mumbled

"Exactly! People will favor money and ass-kissing rather than children's safety."

Not going to lie, it was strange to witness Taehyung getting upset. Still, no one could go against his words. He wasn't wrong.

"Thus, I am proud not to be one of those." He eventually said, earning a silent yet approving nod from my classmate and I.

Eventually, Jungkook and I clapped our hands to congratulate Taehyung for being brave enough to speak up.

"So, how do you feel?" I asked, genuinely curious

A proud smile crept up his face as he straightened his back. "Great! I can tell you're both going to enjoy it."

As a matter of fact, it was my turn now. I took a deep breath, preparing myself to read. "Alright, first: I love my taste in fashion."

The boys nodded in agreement, much to my satisfaction. I wasn't sure why Taehyung would agree since we had met outside school only once, but I was not going to refuse an implied compliment from the gorgeous Kim Taehyung.

"Two, not to brag, but I am pretty funny. Not to say extremely." To that, I received mixed reactions.

As the second year tilted his head with a sort of okay look, the younger didn't hesitated once ; he rolled his eyes at me. However, I chose to ignore him since he was usually the first one to laugh at my jokes.

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