06 | the treasurer

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Kim Taehyung was Bangtan High's heart-throb. Handsome, caring, and charming-the perfect combo. On top of that, he was kind and outgoing; which made him approachable. Out of all council members, he probably was the most popular (after Namjoon, obviously). Behind the cool persona was hidden a math genius.

During his freshman year, he was the math club's prodigy. If it wasn't for Namjoon, he would have never left the club. Impressed by his skills, my brother advised him to run for the treasurer's position. Thus, he became a valuable member of the student council and proceeded to divide the annual clubs' budget (excluding sports clubs) according to what he thought was fair: a popularity poll. The students voted for the three clubs they thought of as the most important. Surprisingly, the art club ranked ninth out of thirteen.

The official ranking could be found on the school website, and at the library. Here are the results:

464 voters, 2019.

1. Drama
2. Journalism
3. Audiovisual
4. Cooking
5. Dance
6. Book
7. Anime
8. Occultism
9. Arts
10. Math
11. Goth
12. Sciences
13. Sewing


Even the occult club ranked above us, which was pretty depressing considering no one actually knew what it was, apart from its members and the student council.

Reading that stupid ranking motivated me to act as fast as possible. In no time, I made my way to the council office where Taehyung was busy fixing his hair. Yoongi was laying on the couch, snoring. The other members weren't there, much to my content.

"What brings you here?" The treasurer asked with a bright smile, readjusting his glasses.

Carefully closing the door behind me, I walked to him without a noise to avoid disturbing Yoongi. Taehyung was sitting at his desk, so I laid against the furniture under his curious gaze.

"I came on behalf of the art club."

He smirked. "Woah, so formal! Sounds like a serious matter, but I'll need your help with something first."

Of course he does, I thought. Because it seemed like the only way to work with him, I had to cooperate. With a fake enthusiasm, I answered: "Sure, what is it? I'm happy to help!"

"How's my hair?"

I paused, actually taking the time to observe his hairstyle who didn't differ from usual. Everyday Jungkook would simply shrug, but negotiator Jungkook knew better. Meanwhile, Taehyung kept on frowning out of apprehension. It was actually funny to see him take such a matter so seriously.

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