49 | go away

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"Guys, I'm going to miss you so much." Hyemon's watery eyes looked at each of us as she spoke. "This year was special thanks to all of you. I'll miss having you around! You might not know how much it helped me. I went through some hardships, but it felt nice to be part of a group. I'll never forget you."

The art club room fell silent after our dear friend's speech. We exchanged glances, moved and proud. Sarutobi, Jay, and Hyemon were leaving for college, causing the club to lose three of its original members, including the president. A hard blow for the art club.

"A group hug would be perfect!" Solange exclaimed as she jumped from her seat. "Come on!"

As Kwon mumbled annoyingly, we gathered to share a sweet moment. Surprisingly, I didn't mind hugging my fellow members, although I was extra careful not to touch Y/n. We hadn't talked since the party, so I tried to keep my distance to avoid an awkward situation.

"Alright, that's enough." Kwon clapped his hands as he broke the hug. "Let's eat!"

"Our last meal together..."

Jay patted Solange's back, "There are still two weeks left."

Thus, we began to eat. Lunchtime was filled with laughter thanks to Kwon and Solange. As I ate, I kept smirking here and there, finding it useless to speak. I had nothing interesting to say, especially not when the only words I wanted to blurt out were solely addressed to Y/n. I would talk to her when she'd be ready to listen, not like that, right in front of our friends.

The rest of the day was uneventful, nothing worth to be mentionned. That was until I got home.

My brother was studying sitting at the dining table, examining a pile of documents I didn't recognize at first. When I reached his position, the voice of my father caught me by surprise.

"I have some great news!"

I noticed Namjoon's frown. "Nothing is sure yet. Don't get over excited..."

I stared at the both of them, silently waiting for an explanation.

My father urged me to sit next to Namjoon as a sincere smile decorated his pale face. "One of my friends, Chojae, the one who helped me with the kitchen..." He cleared his throat. "Well, his sister owns a few buildings. He told her about our situation, and she said she had four unoccupied apartments in Busan!" I stared at him, quietly admiring the light of both hope and relief in his usually sad eyes.

Namjoon flashed me a knowing smile. "Apparently, one of them is quite cheap. We have a visit planned in less than a week."

"On thursday." Dad added

I nodded. "That's great news, indeed!" I forced a smile, unwilling to disappoint my father.

A part of me was excited, especially because it would ease Dad's expenses. He'd pay less and rest more, a change that was very much needed. The other part of me, however, panicked at the thought of leaving Bangtan High and my friends. For the first time since my mother's death, I felt like I mattered, not just to Dad and Namjoon. I made genuine friends who cared for me, my true self.

And there was Y/n.

❁ ✾ ❃ ❋

The next morning, I felt like throwing up. Anxiousness was slowly building inside of me as I met my friends. Jimin was bickering with Hyemon as Solange stared in silence, uninterested. When they noticed my presence, a smile crept up their faces, making me uncomfortable.

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