Chapter 56 - The next time I wake up

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She's not like Yuuki who had endless stamina or aura to amplify her physical abilities. Her five senses were not enhanced like an animal either. Compared to Yuuki, Yuuki was definitely physically stronger than Ranfa. She's not like Michiyo whose Quirk had the perfect attack and defense. The only thing the twins have in common was their ability to create something; Michiyo create diamonds while Ranfa create swords. Looking at their Quirks, Michiyo's Quirk will come out on top because Ranfa's Quirk relied on people's trust in order to effectively use it at its potential. Ranfa's Quirk had a weakness too; it's a double-edged sword for others and for herself. 

However, there's something that set Ranfa above Yuuki and Michiyo. That very thing was a burning will to protect those who needed protecting. Once Ranfa had something to protect, she will take down the enemy no matter what. She will put herself in front of whoever needed protecting- throw herself at the enemy if she needed to. No matter what, she will always put others first before her own safety because those who needed her protection gave her the strength to overcome all fear.

Like right now, even if she's fighting a titan, she didn't let fear chain her down; the people she wanted to protect were scared of the titan even more. Ranfa didn't want to see any of them make that face and so she took the initiative and she decided she will take it down.

"So fast...!" Shouji had front row seat compared to the others. He watched Ranfa cut down titan here and there at lightning speed but she landed the deciding blows when she amputated the big toes of the titan!

"Toes are important for balance and provide support when walking. Losing one or more toes can affect balance in the short-term. Having a big toe amputated has a more dramatic impact, as it bears the brunt of your weight when walking. You can get better and you will be able to walk with rehabilitation and support on a long term...but what do you think will happen if you suddenly lose them?" Ranfa made the lightning sword disappear and she walked away as the titan lost balance and fall. "You lose your balance and you fall." When the titan fell, wind blew violently. Looking Ranfa like this, it was like seeing cherry blossoms blow within the violent wind.

"Ranfa..." Mina looked like she wanted to cry as she ran over to her and hugged her! "Ranfa, why are you here?! How did you come here?!"

"I don't even know how I ended up here. I couldn't see anything. When I opened my eyes, I see Kaminari looking like shit."

Kaminari walked over to her, still holding to the red sword Ranfa owned in real life. For some reason, holding the sword made him feel at ease. Out of all of them here, she was definitely the strongest. Kaminari began to feel a bit embarrassed; Ranfa ended up saving him again. He didn't do anything to help. "Ranfa-" He didn't know what to say. Should he even say anything to her? He didn't know what to say; even in real life, he did nothing to help her. No one did. Yet, in an imaginary world like this, Ranfa still fought for them, who did nothing when she was being cornered by everything. "Ranfa, I-" 

"Ranfa, thank goodness you came! That thing was gonna kill us!" Mineta used this excuse to hug Ranfa's leg and look up her skirt- "GYAAAHHHH!!!!" Ranfa jabbed his eyes with her fingers. 

"Oh. I'm sorry. I was trying to get this bug near your eyes." 

"That is a lie!"


However, it was not over, the titan changed its shape. It started to change its shape. It's changing to something smaller- more human.

"Oh? You realize it's better to not be a titan to come at me so you decided to be something else? There is nothing I cannot cut down. What do you want me to commend you for? Your act of stupidity? Or your act of recklessness? Which do you prefer?"

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