Chapter 6

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Cori followed the Volvo through the roads of Forks, then through the twists and turns of the blacktops into the forest. Cori was glad Alice offered for her to follow them, as she would have been lost.

She was not good with maps and is horrible with the whole "go two miles east then a sharp right and go an eighth of a mile." Bs. She would rather just follow someone, or do it on her own with a full tank of gas and an emergency pack.

The red break lights flashed and she was looking around not noticing the car in front of her was slowing down until her eyes snapped forward and she slammed on the breaks, turning into the almost non-existent driveway.

Following the car up the long gravel drive she was met with a huge glass and wood home that seemed a few decades ahead of its time. "Wow" Cori said as she leaned forward in her seat to get a better view.

A tap on her window startled her as she jumped and snapped her head to an amused Jasper. "You gonna come in?" Jasper asked through the window. "Uh yeah." She said hesitantly. It hit her full force as she saw the house that she would be meeting the parents if the boy she had a huge crush on, and seemingly he had a a crush on her as well.

Jasper sent the girl, that he now considered a friend, a wave of calm feeling her nerves go through the roof. Grabbing her bag from the back seat he stood at the door waiting patiently to help her out. She took his cold hand, stepping out, sending him a smile in thanks, and he smiled back. "I'm going to put your bag in Alice's Room." Jasper said walking off and into the house.

"Are you ready?" Alice asked. "Um I guess so." Cori said and linked her arm with Alice's extended on. What Cori didn't see is Edward standing by the back door with a smile on his face.

The two girls stepped through the door and Cori looked up and around? "Holy shit" she whispered though everyone in the house heard her. "It's a lot to take in at once." Alice said. "I would say. Alice you live in a mansion! What do you're parents do again?" Cori asked. "My adopted parents. Carlisle is a doctor, and Esme his wife is an interior designer/ architect." Alice said and Cori looked at Alice with a look that she couldn't quite decipher.

"Alice parents are parents. They are people who love you. Never take that for granted. Trust me." Cori said and Alice looked at her shocked. Alice swooped Cori into a hug that both girls appreciated. "Come meet them, they are dying to meet you." Alice said pulling out of the hug. "Okay", Cori said following Alice as she skipped through the pristine house.

She came to a living room, kitchen area seeing a blond man barely older than her friends he seemed, and a woman who seemed to acknowledge her presence as soon as she stepped into the room. "You must me Cordelia! Welcome dear." The woman said and Cori smiled feeling the motherly warmth she seemed to exude. "Cori, this is my mother Esme, and my father Carlisle. This is Cori. Or Cordelia. We have a English project to work on." Alice said pointing out the two parent figures.

"Hello Cordelia. It's great to finally meet you. My children talk highly of you." Carlisle said and Cori smiled small as a blush began to appear on her face. "Alice told me you loved food, so I made some tacos, I figured I couldn't go wrong." Esme said and Cori's eyes lit up. "You can never go wrong with tacos!" Cori said excitedly.

Just then Rosalie came in with a large man who Cori had seen at their lunch table. "Hi Cori." Rosalie said. "This is my boyfriend Emmett." She said pointing to the large framed boy behind her. "So your firecracker?" Emmett asked and Cori's eyes snapped over to Jasper who grinned at her.

"Yeah I guess you could say that." Cori said. "I can't wait to see that in action." Emmett said excitedly and Esme sighed. "Let the girl eat Emmett, then you can ask your onslaught of questions." Esme said as she grabbed ahold of Cori's hand dragging her over to the counter filled with taco ingredients. Cori filled a plate and sat down at the table and started to eat quickly.

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