Chapter 13

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At the Hospital, Edward had gotten her to a bed in the emergency room, a few beds from Bella. "Lia! Are you okay? Why are you in here?" Bella asked noticing the girl after a few minutes. "Edward and Rose are worried about my face. You know from this morning." Cori said looking Bella over to see no external injuries, and she sighed relieved.

"How are you? Are you okay?" Cori asked. "Yeah I am. I think they are overdoing it a bit." Bella said. "Bella you were hit by a car!" Cari cried wincing at the facial movement. "Actually I wasn't- uh have you seen Edward?" Bella asked. "Yeah silly he is the one who brought me here. After I got hurt, he didn't want to let me out of his sight. Ironic, that he isn't here, but he is talking with Carlisle, filling him in." Cori said filling in for Edwards absence not knowing how much she knew.

"Bella?" A male voice called out and in came Chief Swan. "Aw thank god your okay. I thought I lost you Bells." Charlie said assessing his daughter when he noticed Cori a few beds down. "Mae, what are you doing in here?" Charlie asked and she gave him a smirk and turned her head towards him. "Geez kid. What happened there?" He asked.

"Jessica Stanley and I got into it." She said. "Did you get her back?" He asked. "Dad!" Bella chided. "Of course Chief. One good swing in before Emmett pulled me off." Cori said and Charlie chuckled leaning towards her. "That's my girl!" He cheered and she laughed.

"You two know each other?" Bella asked. "Uh yeah. Mae here comes every year to our train under a officer week after school. Been loyal to it for a few years now." Charlie said. "Mae?" Bella asked. "Well, we have a Cory at the department and when we would say her name both their heads would pop up, so we just started calling her Mae." Charlie said.

"Oh." Bella hummed. "Bella here has created her own nickname." Cori said causing Charlie to chuckle and look at his daughter expectingly. "Lia." Bella said quickly not liking the attention on her. "Lia." Charlie said testing it out. "Well you can never have to many nicknames." Cori said and Charlie chuckled smiling at the girl. "Not with a name like Cordelia." Charlie said with a smile. "True that!" Cori said her mood brightened by the older Swan.

A bed was wheeled in next to Bella's. It was Tyler. "Oh my god Bella, I'm so sorry." He said. "It's alright." She said. "It sure as hell is not alright." Charlie said, "you can kiss your license goodbye." "I heard the chiefs daughter was in." Carlisle said coming in, eyes sweeping over Cori, assessing her quickly. He gave her a brief smile, turning back towards the two swans. "Isabella." He said picking up the chart. "Bella, just Bella." Cori corrected and Bella smiled at her.

"Bella excuse me." Carlisle said with a smile, "look at my finger please." Carlisle said shinning a pen light in Bella's eyes getting the correct response Cori guessed when Carlisle nodded writing something down on her chart. "Your vitals look good. You may begin to have some headaches, and some possible ptsd. If the headaches get too bad, please come back. You seemed very lucky today." Carlisle said.

"I wouldn't have been without Edward. He saved me." Bella said. "Edward, your boy? Your Edward Mae?" Charlie asked looking at Carlisle then Cori. Cori nodded. "It was like he showed up out of nowhere causing both Carlisle and Cori to stiffen. "As I said very lucky." Carlisle said, "Charlie."

"Bells, you better call your mom." Charlie said. "You called her?" "Duh." Charlie said. Following Carlisle. "I'm going to stay with Lia." Bella called after her father, sitting in the chair next to Cori's bed.

"Why are you staying?" Cori asked  shyly. "Your my friend, plus you were there for me." Bella said. "It's not like I could leave." Cori joked and Bella laughed. "True." Bella said with a timid smile. "So what exactly happened with Jessica?" Bella asked with her head in her hands intrigued. "Okay so-"Cori started into the story as Bella listened intently.


"How is Bella?" Edward asked Carlisle. "She is fine, maybe a head ache or two for the next few days but she is in perfect health." Carlisle said. "And Cori?" Edward asked. "I haven't gotten to see her yet by herself, but I don't like the look of the bruise that's forming." Carlisle said and Edward started to pace.

"I'm sure she will be okay Edward." Carlisle said. "If she is not Jessica Stanley is dead." Edward threatened. Carlisle looked at his son in disappointment. "Edward." "Okay maybe not dead but I can make her life miserable." Edward said. Carlisle raised an eyebrow. "From what I've heard Cori had just as much to do with this." Carlisle said the voice of reason as always.

"She was having an off day, Rose got her upset and she went off. Cori didn't say anything that wasn't true and Jessica said a lot of stuff that was way out of line." Edward said sticking up for his girlfriend. "We will talk about this later. I have a daughter to check up on." Carlisle said walking towards the bays again, Edward following behind.

"Cori." Carlisle said and Cori smiled then cringed back from the pain. "What have you gotten your self into this time." Carlisle asked with a grin. "You know, my regular." Cori said with a grin, but grimaced from the pain. "I'm going to press and you tell me if it hurts okay?" Carlisle said and Cori nodded.

The first few presses were not bad but Carlisle had pressed almost on the forming bruise and Cori whimpered pulling back quickly from Carlisle's cold hands. Edward stepped forward protectively and Bella unknowingly placed her hand over Cori's.

"Okay I'm going to send you off for some x-rays. I'm afraid you may have a small skull fracture. It doesn't seem muscular, but the x-rah should show us more." Carlisle said.

"Bella?" Charlie asked trying to find her. "Um I have to go, but let me know how you are please." Bella asked. "Im in ISS for the next two days but Edward can let you know." Cori said and Edward nodded to her with a small smile. "Okay." Bella said with a shy smile, wondering off to find her father.

"She seems nice." Carlisle said and Cori blushed. "She is." Cori and Edward said in sync while smiling.

Switching back into doctor mode Carlisle asked some questions. "What kinds of symptoms have you had since this happened?" "Um swelling, bruising, headaches, some dizziness, and I've been tired." Cori said. "Any bleeding from the nose or ears?" And Cori shook her head no regretting it immediately as she groaned. "Any nausea or vomiting?" Carlisle asked. "I wasn't all that hungry for lunch and my stomach was upset a bit yeah." "Any other things that are out of the ordinary?" Carlisle asked. "No." Cori said. "Okay, let's do those X-rays, then we should be able to see." Carlisle said.


Cori went in for the x-rays and Carlisle had gotten them back. Unfortunately it was what he had expected. Carlisle walked back to her bed with a grim expression.

"Cori, unfortunately I was correct. You have a tiny maxilla fracture in your skull, right along the bottom of nose." Carlisle said. "How in the hell did that happen?" Edward asked. "You said you were only slightly turning when she slapped you right?" Carlisle asked and Cori nodded. "It had to of been just at the right moment in the right place. Usually to get a maxilla fracture takes more pressure, like a car crash or running into a pole face first."

"Don't give her ideas." Edward whined as he looked worriedly at his mate. "One thing Cordelia, you will not be having any school for a while. A facial fracture even a small one can have some serious side effects. I need to be able to watch over you, and track how you're doing. With where it is located, it shouldn't cause a problem, but you never know. Unfortunately the pain is only going to get worse. I can give you some pain reducers on top of a small shot of some numbing agent to help with the pain, but unfortunately there is no real pain management. The only good thing is that there is no cast." Carlisle said.

"I could still have them sign my face." Cori said and both Cullen men laughed. "You could, but I would advise against it." Carlisle said chuckling. "Let me get you a pass for school for at least the next week, and Esme will have to talk to the school about your ISS. That is another conversation we will be having at home." Carlisle said and Cori nodded grimacing.

"Edward when bringing her home, try to avoid the bumps as much as you can. Any harsh movements will hurt. Just be careful until I get back home okay?" He asked Cori and she nodded slightly and he kissed her gently on the forehead. "Okay get on home, Esme will be waiting for you."

A/N: okay can we talk about the relatable dad moments with Charlie and Carlisle. Also I plan for there to be a good relationship between Charlie and Cori. What do you guys think? Let me know in the comments!

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now