Chapter 35

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"Hey, I got you another one." Bella told her father as she wrung her hands nervously, setting the beer down on the table. "Thanks." Charlie said as he cleaned his rifle. "I have a date with Edward Cullen and Lia." Bella blurted out to her father, Charlie stopping what he was doing, looking up at her, his brows furrowed as he thought.

"He's a little old for you, isn't he?" "No. He's a Junior, I'm a junior. I thought you liked the Cullens? And why aren't you asking about Lia?" Bella asked. "I thought you didn't like any of the boys in town. And Mae's not a boy. Plus I saw you two holding hands. I see things." Charlie told her, proud of himself. "Edward doesn't live in town. Technically." "I know. Mae made that apparent the other day at the diner. She's not one for subtly is she?" Charlie asked and Bella smiled slightly. "No, not really." She said then paused.

"They're right outside." "They are?" He asked, his eye brows raised as he glanced at the door. "Yeah, they wanted to meet you officially, well Edward did." She told him. "Alright. Bring him in." Charlie said loading his shot gun, and snapping it back together.

Bella's furrowed in worry. "Hey, could you be nice? They- They're important." Rolling his eyes, Charlie made an imaginary halo around his head, Bella copying him by rolling her eyes slightly as he smiled.

Bella rushed to the door, pulling the two inside that were lightly chatting, a bright smile on Cori's face, and a more hesitant one on Edwards. "Hey Chief." Cori said and Charlie smiled at her. "Mae, always a pleasure." He told her and she beamed. "Chief Swan. I want to formally introduce myself. I'm Edward Cullen." Edward told the older Swan and Cori turned her head so that Edward could see her almost laugh at him.

Charlie was not an uptight guy. The occasional Sir or Chief was expected because of his roll in the town, but every one knew him as Charlie.

"Hi, Edward." Charlie said, shaking the boys hand, shrinking back slightly from the coldness. "It's a chilly one out today." Cori covered for him, and the older male nodded. "Bella won't be out too late tonight, she's just gonna play baseball with my family." Edward told him and Charlie's eye brows rose.

"Baseball?" "Yes, sir, that's the plan." Edward explained and Charlie chuckled. "Bella's gonna play baseball? Well, good luck with that." "Don't worry Charlie, with Carlisle there, we have a medic on sight." Cori playfully said and Charlie laughed. "I'll take good care of her. I promise." Charlie nodded, then looked over at Cori. "Your father know about this?" He asked. "Yes sir." "Good."

Bella, just about ready to run out of the house because of embarrassment. As she turned towards the door, hoping to have Edward and Cori follow her, but Charlie stopped her. "Bella. Mae." He called out before they left. The red head turned just fast enough to catch a can of pepper spray that was tossed her way. "Still got yours?" He asked his daughter. "Yeah, dad." Bella said, embarrassed, quickly rushing out the door.

"Thanks Chief and I still remember." Cori said making the moves he had taught her the first year she had trained with the police force. Eyes, nose, groin. "Atta girl."

Walking out to Emmett's Jeep, she saw Edward placing his hat on Bella's head. While Cori herself was wearing his spare jersey. "Your dad thinks you should go to an all girls school." Edward told Bella when Cori got close enough. "No reading my dad's mind. Does he really not like you, but likes Lia?" "I'm just better." Cori shrugged and Edward messed up her hair making her shriek.

"Since when do vampires like baseball." "Because they're old." Cori said. "Don't let Rose hear you say that. It's the American pastime, there's a thunderstorm coming, and well, we're old." He told Bella making her laugh. "A thunderstorm?" "It's the only time they can play. You'll see." Cori told her giving her a peck on the lips before slipping into the back seat.

"Why does this thing have so many straps?" Cori huffed in annoyance. "Need help?" "No." Cori told him, but after a while of watching her struggle, she relented. "Fine." She huffed out, glaring at Edward as he grinned.

A/N: I know this is a shorter chapter, but I want to get as much of baseball scene in one chapter as I could.

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now