Chapter 46

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"Good morning Mae." Charlie told the girl as she stood on his porch with a package in her hands. "Morning Chief!" She replied with a smile. "She's up in her room." The chief told the girl with a wave of his hand and she grinned. "Thank you!" Cori said as she bolted into the house, knowing the way to Bella's room like the back of her hand.

Knocking on the door, Cori opened the door, a squeak coming from Bella as she quickly buttoned her jeans. "Happy Birthday!" Cori shouted into the room. "Shhhh. You know you're supposed to wait after you knock." Bella told the redhead. "Bells, you act as if I haven't seen your butt." "Shhhh! My dad's down stairs!" Bella hissed as her cheeks flushed red.

Seeing the present in her girlfriend's hands, Bella's eyes narrowed. "Lia, what's that?" "Oh this? Nothing." "Looks an awful lot like a birthday present." Bella said. "Maybeeeee." Cori said as she smiled mischievously. "Lia!" "You got me something!" Cori whined. "I made that!" Bella argued. "Maybe I made this!" Cori argued and Bella rose her brows. "Okay I didn't, but I promise you'll like it!" Cori promised.

Bella rolled her eyes as she smiled, shaking her head, taking the present from her girlfriend. Unwrapping the box, she found a green shirt.

No matter how you slice it, we're better together.

Below it had a jar of peanut butter, a loaf of bread, and a pickle.

Bella laughed out loud, bringing Cori into a hug. "This is great Lia. Did you customize this?" She asked looking over the shirt again. "I did. I'm the pickle obviously." "Obviously." Bella agreed and Cori laughed.

"Remember when you made me try this?" Bella asked her and Cori nodded chuckling. "It was so weird, but oddly good." "Told you." Cori sang, an "I told you so" twinkle to her voice and Bella smiled, slapping her arm slightly.

"What's this?" Bella asked as she held the wooden eagle in her hands. "Remember the night we got attacked by those guys?" "Vividly." Bella said as she grimaced. "I bought these. One for each of us. Remember me saying that eagles mate for life?" "Yeah." Bella said as the red head gestured to the wooden bird. "Now you have something to look at to remind you of that." Cori said as tears came to Bella's eyes. "Lia!" Bella said, her voice emotional as she hugged the girl.

After the two had time to put themselves back together, Cori spoke. "You ready to go?" Cori asked Bella and the brunette nodded. "Yeah. Let me grab my bag and throw on some shoes." "Don't forget your book." Cori told her picking up the book, looking at the stone castle on the front, a glimpse of her dream coming to her mind. "Lia?" "Yeah?" "My book." "Oh. Yeah." Cori said tossing the boot to her as the brunette tossed it in her bag.

"We're taking my Jeep today. You deserve to be treated like a princess. Even if your chariot is a slightly older model Jeep." Cori said and Bella laughed. 


Pulling into the high school, Cori waved at their friends. Looking at her girlfriend, Cori asked, "Do you want me to tell them?" "About what?" "Your birthday silly." "God no. I want only those closest to me to know. Just don't make a big deal about it, okay?" Bella asked and Cori nodded. "Okay, heard loud and clear." She said as the two got out, their hands finding each others.

"Today's the big day Bella." Jess said and Bella looked at Cori who shrugged her shoulders. "The R&J essay due." "Oh shit, that's today?" Cori asked as she inwardly panicked. "Come one Deli. Don't tell me you forgot." Mike said. "I didn't forget! I'm just - slightly unprepared." Cori said as she found her own copy, scanning the pages quickly.

"ADHD at its finest." Mike said and Cori flipped him off making every one laugh. "Wherefore art thou, Bella?" Mike asked as again everyone chuckled.

Remembering she had her new camera, Bella got it from her bag. "Let me take a picture of you guys. My mom wants me to put together, like, a scrapbook full of memories." "Oh." "Cool. Yeah." "Lia. You too." Bella said. "But-" "I'll hold your page." The brunette said and Cori sighed. "Don't dog ear it." The redhead said and Bella nodded.

"I take them. I'm not in them." Angela said as she tried to get out of it, but Eric held her close. "No, no, no, come here." "Well, you are today." Bella told her with a smile. "You'll photoshop this if my nose looks too big, right?" Jessica asked and Cori chuckled under her breath, making Angela elbow her lightly. "Still having problems with that Jess?" "Shut up Cori." She snipped. "Don't worry, I'm in the picture. No one will be looking at you guys." Eric said, trying to sooth the rising tempers and Cori laughed.

Taking the picture, Bella smiled. "That's good. Thanks." She said and they all smiled at her as Cori made her way back to her side, taking her book back. "Oh good, Cullen's here." "Give it a rest Mike." Cori told him as she flipped another page. "Well, talk to you later." Angela told the girls as Cori smiled, waving, hoping she was at least doing it in the right direction as she wasn't looking.

Edward made his way to the girls, putting his arm around Cori as he kissed her head. "Happy Birthday." He told Bella and she frowned. "Don't remind me." Bella said. "Mmm. Bella, your birth is definitely something to celebrate." Edward told her. "Yeah, but my aging's not." "Your aging?" Cori asked as she looked up, "You're eighteen Bells, not thirty."

"Cori's right. I think eighteen is a little young to start worrying about that." Edward told her. "It's one year older than you." "No, it isn't. I'm one hundred and nine." Edward told her. Bella smiled slightly as she looked to Cori. "Well, maybe we shouldn't be dating such an old man. It's gross. I should be thoroughly repulsed. Right, Lia?" Cori looked up, her eyes shining bright. "I like em a little older." She said as she put her head back into her book. Bella laughed as Edward smiled. "Uh-huh." Edward said as he captured her lips with his.

After a few shared kisses, Cori looked up, placing her book mark. "My turn." She said as kissed Bella. "Happy Birthday." She smiled. "Lia!" "I love you!" Cori shouted as people stared. "Shhh!" Bella said as she ducked her head. "Where's mine?" Edward asked. "You got yours this morning." She said and he frowned. "But one more couldn't hurt." She said pecking his lips.

"We have to go to class." Cori reminded her two partners and Bella sighed. "I have one class period to write my entire essay. Think I can do it?" Cori asked. "I believe in you, love." Edward told her and Cori beamed. "Better get started. See you guys at lunch." Cori said giving both of them a final kiss as she headed into the school.

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now