Chapter 15

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The next day had come around and Cori was sleeping peacefully as Carlisle had just gave her a round of pain medication before he went to work. All the children were getting ready for school, all except Cori of course. Edward wrote her a note, placing it on the nightstand, explaining why they weren't there.

He did this as for last night she woke up in a haze, and everyone was out hunting except for Carlisle that had stayed back just to make sure the girl would be alright. When Cori figured no one was around, she started to have a panic attack thinking everyone had left her, even though she knows that usually during the night, when she sleeps, they hunt to not disturb her. Carlisle had to calm the girl down explaining everything like he would to as small child due to her drugged yo state. When everything was explain, she calmly went back to sleep.

Carlisle had dropped off Cori's medical note to the school before work, so the Cullen children didn't have to worry about bringing the note in for Cori, but what they did have to worry about was the talk of why Cori wasn't there. Cori never missed a day if she absolutely didn't have to. The only day(s) she missed last year were when the nurse sent her home ten minutes after coming to school with a cold and sinus infection duo that had the girl sicker than a dog.

When the Cullen children arrived, Bella immediately noticed that Cori wasn't there. She looked maybe thinking she was with one of the others, other than Edward, but to no avail. Cordelia Austin was not in school today and she wanted to know why.

After her first class, Bella had art with Alice Cullen, and she decided she was going to try to find answers. "Hi Alice." Bella said nervously. "Oh, hi Bella!" Alice said cheerfully. "Is there something wrong with Cori? Is that why she is missing today?" Bella asked and Alice grinned. "I don't know the whole story. Edward and our dad know the most, you know since he is a doctor. You should ask Edward." Alice said with a gleaming smile. "Um okay thanks." Bella said going back to her project.

'It was a long time between art and Biology', Bella thought. But the class finally arrived and Bella was relieved to see Edward. "Hello." She said with a shaky breath. "Hello Bella." Edward greeted back and Bella took her opportunity.

"Is Cori okay? I noticed she was not with you or your siblings. Not that I looked, I mean-" a chuckle from Edward made the awkward brunette flush red and Edward still for a moment, then relaxed again. "Um after you left yesterday we found out Cori has a small fracture in her skull, right in line with her nose. Carlisle is keeping her home with our mom Esme, to keep an eye on her."

Edward said and saw when Bella's eyes became the size of saucers. "Is she okay!" Bella almost yelled at the unexpected news. She was terrified, a crack in her skull! That has to hurt! "Um yeah she will be okay, it's just going to take some time. She is on some pretty strong medication at the moment." Edward said.

"Have you seen what she did to Jessica?" Bella asked and Edward shook his head. It seemed like the Stanley girl was avoiding them. "She has a broken nose and two black eyes. I was hoping Jess had more damage done to her but I guess not. Jessica had it coming to her though." Bella said flushing when she realized she just took the side of a girl she barely knows over her "friend".

"She definitely knows how to throw a punch." Edward said chuckling, "Just the other day she through a punch at Emmett for cheating in sorry." "How do you cheat in Sorry?" Bella asked and Edward smiled. "I don't really know, but in advance, Cori is not known for her long temper." "Consider that knowledge stored." Bella said with a light laugh.

Bella was glad to know that the girl she had slight feelings for was going to be okay. Feelings for? I can't have feelings for her! Bella thought as her mind went into a frenzy. Cori is taken. She is with Edward. She thought as she looked over to the copper haired boy to see him already looking at her and she flushed. I have feelings for both of them. Bella Swan what have you gotten yourself into...

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