Chapter 36

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"Where in the hell are we?" Cori asked from the back, straining to see out of the front, Bella cracking a smile as Edward smirked. "You've been here before Cori." Edward sassed. "Doesn't mean I know where we are." She grumbled. "Why so grumpy?" Bella asked as she turned in her seat, brown eyes meeting blue. "Because I never get to play. I only watch and I wanna play." Cori pouted. "Why can't she play?" Bella asked their boyfriend.

"She'll get hurt. Alice has a rather enthusiastic throwing arm. One smack of the ball to the bat with those speeds. You're talking a broken arm or wrist, knowing Cori, a broken everything." "I'm not that bad!" Cori huffed as she sank more into her seat.

Pulling up to the field, Cori unbuckled her self, opening the door. "This I remember." She told the two, as Edward chuckled. Speeding around he helped her out, making sure she didn't have to jump and sprain an ankle. Then he tended to Bella.

The three walked hand in hand, Bella taking in the views. "It's beautiful here." Bella said quietly as Cori nodded. "I wanted Edward to take me cliff jumping from the waterfall over there. He said no." "Rude." Bella said as she looked at the male, and Edward laughed.

"She hates heights. Even getting up to your window last night was to scary for her." Edward defended himself as the two girls blushed from the memories of the previous night. Edward laughed out loud as the two girls were matching shades of pink.

"Bella, Cori! We're glad you're here. We need a second umpire." Esme told the girls, taking them from Edward as he just stood there for a minute, not knowing what to do. "No we don't." Emmett shouted from the far end of the field, before rushing towards them, appearing instantly beside them, making the brunette jump. "She thinks we cheat."

"You do cheat. I just can never catch it. Maybe with two pairs of eyes it will be more fair." "Human eyes, I doubt it." Emmett told her with a smirk. "Fair eyes." She scowled. "All is fair in the eyes of the lord." Emmett childishly answered. "The lord hasn't looked at you since 1935, shut up." She told him as Jasper laughed, giving her a high five.

As Esme placed Bella and Cori, the later looked over to the brunette. "Don't be afraid to call them as you see them." Esme laughed as she looked at the girl she considered a daughter. "Don't be too hard on them, Cori." "I won't mom." The red head announced, laughing as she saw Emmett doing some kind of movement far off in the distance.

The thunder rumbled as Bella looked between the Cullen's and Cori. "Don't worry Bell's. Alice said it's not gonna rain." But instead of an answer, Bella just kept her eyes to the ever growing dark clouds. "It's time." Alice announced with a smile, as she giddily stepped in place.

Rosalie was up to bat first, striking it against the bat in time with the thunder, making the two noises sound as one. "Okay, now I see why you need the thunder." Bella said, mainly watching as Rosalie raced across the plates. Cori's eyes were in the field, watching. "That's gotta be a home run right?" Bella asked as Esme and Cori answered at the same time. "Edward's very fast."

Time seemed to fly by, Rosalie just making it to home base, Carlisle shouting encouraging words, but just as her foot about to touch, Esme caught Edward's ball, touching her with it just seconds before she touched the base. Esme looked over at the girls, the two humans looking at each other before nodding, coming to an agreement. Rose smiled then glared as the two spoke. "You're out."

"Out!" Emmett shouted from the back of the field, smiling a bit as Rosalie's glares were directed at him. "Babe, come one. It's just a game." He told her, but it fell on deaf ears. Rose walked towards Bella, her eyes now fixated on the human but before she could get to her, Cori stepped in front of the brunette. "If you don't like the outcome, play better." Cori told her coldly as the blond and redhead stared at each other heatedly for a minute before Rose walked off.

Carlisle patted Rosalie's back. "Nice kitty." He said, trying to smooth over the tension between the two girls. He knew how fast their tempers could spiral out of control, and how Rosalie's temper could turn deadly.

Carlisle was up next, readying himself for Alice's pitch, he hit the ball with vigor, launching it into the outfield. Edward and Emmett went for the ball at the same time, crashing into each other, the sound like no other.

Bella looked fearfully at Cori, only to see her with a shit eating grin on her face. "Is he alright?" Bella asked. "Just watch." Cori told her. As the two hit the ground, Edward laughed as he flipped Emmett off, making Cori laugh. Emmett shoved him away, making Cori laugh even more, almost leaning on the brunette who had a smile on her face.

Next up was Jasper, who as he waited for Alice to be ready, did a bat trick that left Bella's eyes wide and Cori smiling. "You gonna do that every time Whitlock?" Cori asked. "You bet your ass I am. Just to piss Emmett off." He told her as they laughed. "Why?" Bella whispered. "Emmett's been trying for years and still can't do it." Cori told her.

As Jasper struck the ball, it went flying through the air, Emmett running after it, jumping up and into a tree to catch it effortlessly. Cori turned towards Rosalie. "Your husband gives off golden retriever vibes." Rose laughed, not even mad, because she knew it was true.

As Emmett caught the ball, he sent it back to the mound as Alice caught it. "My monkey man." Rose smiled and Esme chuckled at her. "Gross." Cori said, her face screwing up in disgust.

As Rose was up to bat again, Alice threw the ball, Rosalie hitting it, making it sore through the trees. Alice's eyes went wide, an understood blankness behind them as Cori stood up straighter, already stepping in front of Bella.

"STOP!" Alice called out as Emmett turned towards the rest of his coven, Edward's eyes went towards the woods, picking up on the unspoken voices. His eyes went back to Cori and Bella as the rest of the vampires came together, Cori could only say one thing. "Fuck."

A/N: I absolutely love how playful everyone is. Especially the boys and Cori. I love how they have a true brother and sister relationship. I hope you guys are having a great time reading this story! Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and how you think the next chapter is gonna play out. Happy Valentine's Day! And to all my readers who do not have a sweetheart, happy ice cream and reading day!

The Bonds Between Us • E.Cullen x Fem oc x B. SwanWhere stories live. Discover now